Protecting Your Trademark on YouTube

How to Write an Effective YouTube Description

According to Statista, 2.3 billion people are users of YouTube. It is now also the second most used search engine, just behind Google. In fact, Google now owns YouTube, and viewers watch over 1 billion hours of YouTube videos daily.

These statistics have big implications for businesses who want to establish a strong presence on this second most popular social platform. But with that popularity comes stiff competition in every business niche. And many companies produce absolutely amazing videos about themselves, their value, and their products and services that solve consumer needs. And yet they do not get widely viewed. What is their solution?

A Major Part of the Solution Lies in the YouTube Description

Businesses must understand that YouTube is a major search engine. And because of this, SEO strategies must be in place just as if a marketer is attempting to be ranked highly on an engine like Google.

The SEO strategy must be utilized in the video description – 5000 characters that will engage a reader and motivate him to click through to the video, ultimately like it, stick with it til its end, and then share and recommend it to others.

So, exactly how does a video description so this exactly? Well, here are some clear and actionable tips and strategies that will create a higher ranking when YouTube visitors search for information on certain topics related to your business niche.

A List of 9 Tips and Strategies That Work

This list will help your rankings for sure, but remember this: a compelling description, fully SEO optimized, will never substitute for an equally compelling video. Viewers will bounce from a disappointing video and, just like with Google, your ranking will drop.

With this in mind, let’s assume that you have crafted amazing videos that provide explanations, how-to’s, perhaps with some entertainment and inspiration thrown in, and such. Your description – that 5000 characters – will have to pique enough interest for click-throughs and “stickiness.”

1. Keywords Remain Critical:

You will undoubtedly have a couple of most important keywords in your video title – words or terms that you know searchers use most often when looking for your type of information. Without “stuffing” (a practice that will get you punished), you must also include those popular terms in your description.

But here’s the thing about keyword search terms. Their popularity frequently changes. As consumers become more specific and more sophisticated in their searches, new terms rise up in popularity. It must be a systematic and consistent effort to monitor the changes in keyword traction.

There are many online tools to be used for this effort, so it only requires consistent vigilance. YouTube video titles and descriptions can be changed at any time and should be as soon as new more popular terms are discovered.

2. Make Your First Few Sentences Count:

When you were in school and first began to write essays, you were taught that the introduction to that essay was the one thing that would grab the attention of your reader and motivate him to read on. Journalists know this too.

Check over here to study some examples of writing introductions that work. You have 5000 characters, but make the first of them really count with creative and engaging words that readers cannot help but be intrigued by. That intrigue results in click-throughs.

3. Advertise the Use of Newer Technology in Your Videos:

If you are in the travel business, for example, and you are producing virtual tours of popular and “hot” vacation spots, be certain that your descriptions market those tours early on in the text. If you are a clothing retailer that allows consumers to virtually try on items, say so in the beginning. These are the kinds of experiences that visitors want to try. Creating videos that use AR and VR technology is not that difficult these days, as there are many easy-to-use tools.

4. Find and Use Complementary Keywords:

Of course, there are those most popular terms, but searchers sometimes use complementary (also called secondary) terms in their searches. Do a bit of research and find a few of these to use in your description.

An anti-wrinkle cream may be a primary term for an explainer and how-to video on a specific beauty product. “Serum” may be a secondary term that many others may use as well. Add that keyword in your description too.

5. Make it Simple for Readers to Share and Link to Other Information:

At the end of your description, be certain to have simple methods for your readers/viewers to share your videos on their social platforms. And, if you have a great blog post that provides even more engaging content, add a link. These things serve as minor calls to action and help to spread your brand to a wider audience.

6. Be True to Your Brand Voice:

Brands adopt a language, style, and tone that matches both the products/services they market and their target audiences. Your videos will, of course, match that voice. And your descriptions must as well. If you sell walk-in tubs for seniors, for example, your “voice” will be far different than if you market gym memberships or disposable razor subscriptions.

7. Simplify the Language:

Unless your audience is a highly scientific or technical group, you want to write descriptions that are clear, simple and that avoid sophisticated vocabulary or complex sentence structures. KISS is an absolute must.

8. Test Mobile Friendliness:

No matter what format or platform you use to craft your description, be certain to test its appearance on mobile devices of all types. Anyone who experiences difficulty reading your description will immediately bounce and go elsewhere.

9. Don’t Forget the Analytics:

YouTube has its own set of analytics that will supply you with a wealth of information about your videos’ performance. These reports will show those that are quite popular and those that are not. In addition, you will receive information about such things as how long viewers remain on your videos and where they seem to bounce.

All of this information will inform you of changes you should make both in your
videos and those descriptions. If people are not clicking through to your videos from those descriptions, then those descriptions will have to be remodeled.

The Wrap Up:

These are nine tips and strategies that should be carefully reviewed. Are they a part of your overall YouTube video description creations? See where you can improve what you are currently doing and watch for better results.

Author Bio:

Alison Lee is an experienced writer and editor who has been in this field for more than a decade. She came into the media world as an intern and invested hard work and long hours to get to the top. Alison is an Editor-in-chief at Subjecto now and also an inspiring leader, according to her team. What drives Alison is giving people quality content that they can enjoy and learn from at the same time. Her hobbies include reading books, collecting records, and traveling. She dreams of stepping on all seven continents.

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