The video is proved in an effective way of conveying the messages and engaging the people. The popularity of video is increasing day by day and small and big businesses alike are using video as a part of their marketing strategies. YouTube was the popular platform for sharing videos and Twitter also allows posting Twitter Video.
1. Twitter has more than five hundred million users.
2. A total number of active Twitter users are more than 317 million.
3. One-third of the Twitter users use Twitter every day.
4. Thirty-seventy percent of the Twitter users are in the age group of 18 and 29.
5. Tweets without images get 31 as an average engagement.
6. The same for tweets with images is 211.
7. More than forty-one percent of people say that one of the greatest places to discover video is Twitter.
8. The video is a big deal on Twitter. Eighty percent of global Internet video traffic will be video in the coming two years.
9. When compared to average Internet users, Twitter users upload 1.9 times more video online.
10. Ninety percent of the Twitter videos are watched by the people on mobile.
11. It is said that more than eighty percent of users watch Twitter videos regularly.
12. Videos can be uploaded from Twitter app through smartphone.
13. The maximum Twitter Video length is 140 seconds.
14. If you are a marketer, understand that users who watch Twitter videos are 28% more likely to buy the product.
15. Retweets rate is six times higher for videos than photos.
16. It is a good idea of responding to others tweets with videos to get noticed.
17. Brand favorability is increased by 63% with live Twitter video.
18. Brands can use the how to or instructional videos to bring value to the audience.
19. 83% of Fortune 500 companies keep in touch with their followers on Twitter.
20. Twitter video ads are believed to get the higher response.
21. A good start for the Twitter video increases the watch time by 58%.
22. If your Twitter video shows people and faces, in the very beginning, the response of users will increase by 133%.
23. Twitter allows only 15 seconds long are more likely to drive memory encoding.
24. Studies revealed that Twitter videos with text will be seen 11% more times.
25. 51% of the Twitter users follow the videos of brands and companies.
26. More than ninety percent of Twitter users follow the brands and businesses to get promos and discounts.
27. Studies revealed that more than seventy percent of small businesses are on Twitter.
28. Completion rate of Twitter videos with text is 28% more.
29. First view or placing the video in the top position of feeds for a day increases all the metrics of the video by 22%.
30. Accepted Twitter video formats are MOV or MP4.
31. Total video length should not exceed ten minutes.
32. The video file size to be uploaded to Twitter should not be greater than 1 GB.
33. Minimum frames per seconds are 30.
34. An ideal Twitter video should be memorable, short, relevant etc.
35. It should stop people from scrolling down.
36. Native videos on Twitter drive 2.5 times more replies.
37. Twitter native videos are retweeted 2.8 times more.
38. Twitter videos are favorite by viewers 1.9 times more.
39. Twitter videos that feature people in the first few seconds dive two times more consumers to view the video.
40. videos with clear story increase purchase intent of people by 9%.
41. Entertaining videos on Twitter increase the opt in view by 13%.
42. 15% more intent to share.
43. The recall rate of videos that highlight celebrities is increased by 14%.
44. This feature celebrities increase the intent to share by 6%.
45. Video tweets can be scheduled.
46. It can be created using Twitter video in-app.
47. Video files can be uploaded to Twitter from the app.
48. YouTube videos also can be shared on Twitter.
49. There was 50% increase in video tweets in the year 2016.
50. When this app was launched it had 14 million users in just six months.
Twitter is an ideal platform to engage with the audience for the brands. Twitter users consume video content on their mobiles. Twitter users love to watch the breaking news, sports clips, content from brands and celebrities etc. Native videos drive more engagement.