YouTube is the world’s largest place hosting and offering videos to its users. The facts and figures about this channel are astonishing and mind-blowing. The number of users of YouTube is showing exponential growth in terms of users as well as purchase decision takers. In view of this huge potential, it is quite but natural that YouTube videos attract the most important and prominent place in the mixed strategy of content marketers.
For beginners, a common strategy to produce shareable YouTube videos will contain the following (not exhaustive) steps which may be modified according to the needs of the specific marketer.
Ways to Produce Shareable YouTube Videos
- Use the YouTube trailer area to inform the non – subscribers who visit your channel.
- This information though small can give better information to the visitor thereby increasing shareability of your YouTube video.
- Provide Thumbnail highlighting the product and also the specialties that your product is offering in comparison to the competition.
- Share credentials and that will definitely add weight to your video.
- Personality touch highlighting the background of the marketers in relation to the product that is being offered is another plus point in this direction.
- ‘Call to Action’ is the primary and most important tool that has to be incorporated in each of the videos.
- This will prompt the viewer to like, share, comment on the content.
- Statistics is the lifeline of the business specifically for the content marketing.
- Statistics about the performance in terms of sale, revenue of the company and also the competition should be attractive enough for the viewer to share the video.
- Present market your product.
- This presentation can include data about your product as well as related products.
- There are no geographical limitations for presenting the potential of the product under offer.
- Sharing customer’s story will be another interesting point of view for the viewer.
- This concept does not require any qualified technician to fine tune the experiences of the existing customer.
- Just record the comments by the customer and publish with his consent.
- FAQ section will inculcate enough confidence by the viewer in you, your company and the product as well.
- Informative answers (as part of videos) are likely to get shared more in the social media.
- Use professional services/tools available for presenting the best content.
- There are many existing tools and many are entering the fray in view of the huge potential offered by the industry.
- Moving images (GIF) is another interesting concept that forces the viewers to share the video.
- Adding suitable and attractive soundtrack for the video is required to ensure that the viewer finds the content interesting.
- Educating the viewers on sharing is required across various social media. Sharing is possible across various social media and this is definitely going to encourage the viewers to share your video.
- Adding ‘sharing’ buttons in your video as an inbuilt feature can further increase the chances of your video getting shared.
- Viewers will get an incentive for sharing others videos and you should incorporate ‘incentive’ in your video.
- Creation of quality video is of utmost important as a bad quality video (both in terms of quality and content) will not provide interest in the viewer nor he will be interested in sharing the video.
- ‘Something Special’ also applies to video marketing.
- You need to provide something special – apart from the regular stuff – for the viewer to get interested in your channel first and the product next.
- Entertainment including fun must be present in your video in addition to information. The combination of all these is ‘infotainment’ i.e., information + entertainment.
- Exciting video content is required to ensure that the viewer maintains his interest in the video from the beginning until the end.
- Soliciting suggestions from the viewers regarding the quality and content of the video will make the video more attractive.
- Create the content that will give viewers emotional reactions like joy, sadness, happiness, surprise, and call to action.
- Don’t drag on and on your content. Your video should be short and sweet within 5 minutes.
- Make your video easy to find in the search engines. Optimize the YouTube videos easy searchable in browsers.
- Optimize your YouTube videos to device friendly. Your videos should display on all devices like desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
- Tell your subscribers to turn on the Notifications so that whenever you published video, they alert.
- Optimize your video Title with more keywords. So that people can quickly identify with a single keyword.
- Write the best Introduction and Outro to your videos. The best introduction can grab users’ attention.
- Share your latest videos to the YouTube communities. Your community will share all the content with their friends and family.
- Use the YouTube Playlist options to group related content and share it with your subscribers.
- Promote your YouTube videos on social media to share a maximum number of videos.
- Practical Life hacks and life tips videos, nowadays people mostly search for easy ways to work.
- Release adorable animal videos, that mostly attract pet lovers.
- Create inspiring content as a simple video. Motivational content mostly shared among the huge student’s community.
- Create and share the food and recipe video. Quick and easy recipes get better attention.
- Use YouTube Video SEO techniques well, optimizing your videos.
- Schedule and consistently publish videos. So that people will wait for your videos at the time.
- Create Unboxing, Technology reviews content at attracting the more audience.
- The ideal video on YouTube should be 15 minutes. But these videos are missing with the viewers.
- Use the Video analytics tools to know the audience’s behavior among your videos.
- vidIQ is one of the most popular video analytics tools that give accurate results.
The above are some of the Shareable YouTube Videostips to ensure that you, as a content marketer, are able to offer videos that are more shareable. The sharing can be among the users within the same platform or across various social media as well. Most of the start-ups are struggling to share their videos which leads to being in the middle without reaching the channel. The strategies that have been provided will help you to build strong sharing skills that are not available anywhere.