Live streaming needs viewers to become a success. However good the information you are providing is good, growing audience can be a difficult task. How to gain viewers for live video? Here are few ways which can be used to attract more viewers.
1. Interaction is more important to increase viewership.
2. Remember that the viewers want to learn what you are offering but also to learn about you.
3. Continue to converse with the audience to engage them.
4. Connecting on personal level with audience helps built relationships.
5. Maintaining relationships with the audience ensures that they comeback for your future live streaming events.
6. While live streaming try live chat and encourage viewers to ask questions.
7. After the live stream is completed implement question and answer session.
8. Encourage them to ask questions and give them answers.
9. Embed the live stream on social media platforms.
10. Embedding live stream on Facebook helps to get the feedback of audience via comments.
11. People will share the live stream embedding on Facebook and this way more people can engage with the content.
12. Stick to your schedule of live streaming.
13. Be there at least a couple of minutes before the live stream starts.
14. Engage the viewers who arrive early.
15. Do not take much gap between broadcasts. This way the viewership is boosted.
16. Promote the future event during end of current event.
17. Tease about upcoming event to make viewers excited.
18. Social platforms are best places for promoting live stream.
19. It is recommended to announce a live stream at least two months in advance.
20. Update the Facebook and Twitter followers about the event.
21. Inform the date, event and time to the follower in advance and remind them.
22. Poor video and audio quality make people lose interest in the stream. Ensure high quality for your live video.
23. Choose reliable equipment for the live streaming.
24. Find some event that is unique and breaks the routine so that viewers are attracted.
25. Wedding, sports, video gaming and graduation are some ideas for live streaming.
26. Seminars, new product presentations and lecturers are some other ideas.
27. Upload Video on Demand content and let users watch your past events to built fan base.
28. Choose the platform to host the Video on Demand content and let new users know what you are offering.
29. To engage the audience, keep your live streaming lengthy.
30. The longer the audiences watch the live stream, the more interested the viewers will become.
31. See that the Videos on Demand are shorter.
32. Viewers want to be engaged on live streaming and they also want entertainment.
33. Bring some value to your audience. Do not make your live video to make the viewers bored.
34. Encourage the audience to share your broadcast and take other call to actions.
35. Help audience to share the live broadcast as this can bring in new audience.
36. Let the viewers feel that they are part of the live video.
37. Call the viewers by their names and this helps build personal relationship.
38. Pre-promote the live stream and try engaging the interested audience by what is going to be there in the video.
39. Send emails to your followers to remind about the live streaming.
40. Repurpose the live video after the broadcast.
41. Encouraging discussion is one way of increasing engagement during live streaming, you can also provide special resources for the audience.
42. Make available some pdf of a SlideShare deck that will be available for download for the audience only during live streaming.
43. Middle of the week is the best time to increase engagement for the live stream.
44. However the time of the live stream needs to be decided based on the target audience.
45. Choose the platform for live streaming that the audience can easily join.
46. Viewership is impacted by how interesting the topic is and how easy it is to watch the live video.
47. Gaming is the most successful topic for live streaming.
48. Polls are big ways with which viewers can be engaged during webinars.
49. Respond to all the comments of the audience during or after the live streaming.
50. Encourage audience to subscribe to your next stream.
The above tips are sure to help increase viewership for live video. Interacting with the audience during live streaming is the important thing. Improving viewership is possible with creating engagement. Perfect the craft of live streaming by understanding the ways to increase live video viewers.