The video is the best form of advertising and marketing to go. Businesses from startup to big business are following video marketing as their marketing strategy to go. Many small companies have already made their tactics on the Youtube platform for their marketing. Today the marketers are turned towards the format and optimization of their Mobile Video Advertising which can fit into the smart devices
The mobile video advertising is the present trend in the video advertising. There are several pieces of evidence that mobile has become the king of marketing and advertising in the current digital world. Everything was proceeding with smartphones today. So, it is necessary for the brands to go with the mobile video advertising strategy in the right way.
Why Should Brands Ready For Mobile Video Advertising?
You can also look forward to the growth of mobile video marketing as the advertisers are going successful and comfortable with the mobile video. There are different technologies also arrived for the effective mobile video advertising with the IFDA and comfortable and highly developed mobile targeting and analytical tools which helps the advertisers in reaching their goals using the mobile as their advertising weapons.
According to the latest study reports, it revealed that more than 51% spent on the advertising in 2016. Among the total budget, nearly one-third of the budget had allocated specially for the mobile video adverting which reveals the importance of using the video advertising via mobile devices.
Almost 85 percent raise has noted compared to the previous year reports. It also expected that the mobile ad spend can be reached to 160$ billion when you reach the year 2018. The mobile video ads have higher engagement because the users feel more comfortable with mobile phones and millennials like to watch more videos daily via mobile devices at one click. So, brands must not ignore mobile video advertising.
Steps To Optimize Your Mobile Video Marketing
We should make the video marketing through mobile in a perfect way that never let us get back, and the enhancement of mobile marketing through video must create a unique identity. To achieve Mobile Video Marketing we can trail the below tips.
- Embrace mobile-first as the new mindset
- Acknowledge tension between long-form and short-form content
- Focus on your headlines of the content
- Know about using secondary screens
- Mix up your content lengths
- Find opportunities to work your lead-ins
- Don’t overlook the power of formatting.
- Consider the reading level of the reader to generate full content in a brief way.
- Introduce video and visual content along with written description
- Understand your audience’s mobile habits
Best Practices For Mobile Video Marketing
A Here comes the mobile video marketing era in which everything becomes mobile friendly.
Best Practices for Mobile Video Marketing:
Marketers are going with the pulse of audience and them mainly targeting the technology to reach the potential customers online. In such a way as the mobile usage had rapidly increased in the world and various applications have improved and developed for the business and the users. So, marketers have switched to mobile advertising and marketing along with the generalized approach.
What is the impact of mobile video marketing and what are the general practices?
Mobile video is the most effective form advertising today, and we can conclude by the following things
Better Engagement:
Mobile video marketing has achieved highest click-through rates, and the viewers also have an option to skip the video which makes them comfortable and as well as interested in watching that particular commercial in their free time.
Length of the Ads:
Viewers are feeling more interested in the ads that are not able to skip because they are attractive and short in length with thirty seconds. These made the companies to go with short length commercials and to succeed.
Frequency of Ads and Engagement of Audience:
By using the mobile as the advertising medium, marketers are successful in gaining better engagement from the audience. And it was noted high during late nights.
Tools To Jump Start Your Mobile Video Marketing
First, here s a little information on who is using mobile media. Over 30% of all mobile Internet users are over the age of 35 are just using their smartphones as a gaming system.
These users want to pay bills online, check to make sure they turned the lights off in their house, schedule their child s next doctor appointment while on break at work, or find companies that can help them out professionally and personally. So, what should your business do to get started?
Mobilize your website:
One thing businesses need to stop putting off is making their website mobile-friendly. If you don t make this change, smartphone users will have a hard time accessing your website when they re on the go.
If a potential customer can’t easily find your phone number or email address while searching online with their smartphone, they ‘ll be quick to move onto the next website that came up in their search.
Mobile social media:
Next, as long as you have at least a Facebook and Twitter account, you re a step ahead. If you advertise that you re on these social media sites, people will look you up on their smartphones.
Using these sites as a tool to promote specials and services will up your mobile traffic and ultimately create more business. Social media sites are also great for maintaining a healthy customer relationship. If they re pleased with your product or service, they will tweet it out to everyone following them. Can you say free marketing?
App ads:
A good portion of money and business that smartphones make are from apps. Even if the app is free, there will be advertisements placed throughout the program, so businesses can get their brand in an app that they believe their customers will utilize.
Can you guess who controls the most mobile advertisement placements? That s right: Google. So not only is Google controlling your search results based on keywords and search engine optimization; now you will go to Google to have your ad appear on smartphone apps.
Build your App:
Instead of paying Google to place an ad in an app for you, why not build your app? Building an app would make doing business with smartphone users so much more comfortable.
Compared to mobile sites, apps are quicker, easier to use and more impressive to consumers. Different websites can help you create apps, so if you ‘re into making things easy for your customers consider going this route
The Next Big Thing in Mobile Video Ads
The digital advertising world has turned towards the smart devices today; the marketers are focusing on the easiest way to reach the consumers online. With the rapid increase and development of mobile devices, marketers are targeting various formats and individual campaigns for advertising on the mobile. Even the developer was also focusing on the multiple applications that are favorable for the marketers and users.
More than 82 percent internet users are accessing information via smart devices. The video viewing through mobile devices and Tablets have increased rapidly with reasonable that plans and mobility. There are several factors that why the marketers and users switch to smartphones and tablets for their video advertising strategy.
Mobile video is the most efficient and friendly:
The reward ads are the ad that allows the consumers for the premium content for their better engagement with the content and many favorite mobile apps are offering the premium content too. The reward ads are the most engaging and attract the users better than the experience on PC or desktops. The freeways to access the content made the users fulfill their utilities by using the smart devices.
Developers are also going towards mobile:
Along with the videos, the commercial ads are also on the success pace. Many ad types are well developed, and the developers are integrating the video ads where the users are more interested in applications. They are using the in-app context and finding out where their ads will mostly work and grab the attention.
Killer Tips From YouTube Playbook For Brands And Agencies:
YouTube playbook is very advantageous to the brands and as well as the agencies also can be benefited by the Playbook. Here are some tips and advantages.
Channel Trailer Creation:
The trailer is the first impression on the viewers they click on to the channel; it creates the better engaging channel video. The consumers can connect, and the video may turn the viewers into subscribers. You must not create long videos that may not attract the audience. Short and sweet video with excellent quality helps you better to get a better identity.
Playlist Creation:
You can create the playlists on YouTube with your videos. When you have uploaded a good number of videos on to the platform, it is better to create playlists in which you can manage them to go with public or private, or you can share with other channels too. The playlists help you to gain better exposure to your previous or old videos also to the audience.
Analytics is the main thing that brands must appreciate the platform. It allows accessing the view rate and rate of engagement of the audience with your videos and the subscriber rate and ranking. Analytics helps the brands to improve their videos and know their competitors too.
Mobile Video ads Trends
Mobile video is one of the most significant revolutions in the video marketing since few years. Mobile played a vital role in marketing and advertising online. Advertisers are reaping benefits with the mobile video advertising as they are reaching the consumers directly by targeting the mobile devices with various campaigns. Here are some new trends in mobile video advertising in 2018.
Demand for ROI:
The mobile video industry can expect the more improved cost per acquisition rates campaigns, and price per installations as the advertisers are targeting the relevant events that are essential to focus on the consumer performance to spend more money.
Location Based Advertising:
The location-based advertising will become the newest trend in the mobile video advertising in 2016. The smart devices had become the vital part of our daily life, and the advertisers are using the hyper-targeting which enhances the better ads and delivers better quality.
Personalized Ads:
Personalization of the ads will continue as a trend in mobile video advertising. To reach the quality users, advertisers are focusing on the method of approach they are using to deal with the consumers. Not only content the context is also plating a significant role in video advertising today.
Optimization of Video:
Video can be optimized to reach different formats for the better advertising and increase in reach. Marketers are constructing the user acquisition strategy to expand their reach towards the audience.
Advertising Through Apps:
The in-app advertising will also develop to the next stage shortly. The ad using the applications can significantly increased with newest trends in the market.
Why Should Brands Ready For Mobile Video Advertising?
The mobile video advertising is the present trend in the video advertising. There are several pieces of evidence that mobile has become the king of marketing and advertising in the current digital world. Everything was proceeding with smartphones today. So, it is necessary for the brands to go with the mobile video advertising strategy in the right way.
You can also look forward to the growth of mobile video marketing as the advertisers are going successful and comfortable with the mobile video. There are different technologies also arrived for the effective mobile video advertising with the IFDA and comfortable and highly developed mobile targeting and analytical tools which helps the advertisers in reaching their goals using the mobile as their advertising weapons.
According to the latest study reports, it revealed that more than 107$ billion spent on the advertising in 2017. Among the total budget, nearly one-third of the budget had allocated specially for the mobile video adverting which reveals the importance of using the video advertising via mobile devices.
Nearly 60 percent raise has noted compared to the previous year reports. It also expected that the mobile ad spend can be reached to 160$ billion when you reach the year 2018.
The mobile video ads have higher engagement because the users feel more comfortable with the mobile phones and millennials like to watch more videos daily via mobile devices at one click. So, brands must not ignore the mobile video advertising.
Mobile Video Ads Are Exploding The Digital World
The video is already on raise, and some billions of video content were there across various platforms today. The video watching behaviour of the people changed. Majority of the worldís population was turned towards the smartphones usage and increase their video viewing time via smart devices. Due to the ease of using mobile devices and portability influenced by video watch time. Mobile video watching turned as a revolution in the video marketing and advertising.
Today marketers are targeting the people via mobile video ads. So, many marketers are optimising their websites to blogs as mobile friendly. In present 2017 era, mobile video ads are exploding the digital world and expected to be triple the numbers when we reach 2018.
Many surveys already completed on the mobile video ad spending and the marketing. All the studies revealed that more than 80 percent companies across the web would place the ad budgets on mobile video shortly. At present more than 66 percent marketers are investing in the mobile video ads to increase their ROI and reach.
The broadband coverageís and new data plans are encouraging the people to use the mobile devices for the buying purposes. According to the study, it revealed that more than 60 percent marketers are showing their interest in buying the goods online on various e-commerce sites. Among them 50 percent people are approached through video. Advertisers and marketers are targeting the people with different personal mobile video apps to convert them as their consumers.
The mobile video ads reportedly increased the sales for many e-commerce companies. Even the marketers are targeting with the attractive mobile shopping offers and attracting the consumers with extra discounts by shopping via mobile apps. Finally, the studies had revealed that the Mobile video ads are exploding on the web and will continue the same speed in future.
Autoplay Video Ads For Mobile – The Next Big Thing
All social media platforms were including the videos on their platforms and allowing the marketers to advertise by giving them complete support with their advanced new features. In the same line, the most engaging platform Facebook had also introduced the Autoplay premium Facebook ads on its platform which makes the advertisers look forward to their growth in sales.
The autoplay video ads are previously compatible with only the desktops and laptops and cannot play on mobile but, the Facebook has changed and made the autoplay premium Facebook ads on to the mobile devices.
The mobile usage has dramatically increased across the countries, and people are just switching to the various applications and connecting with the multiple platforms via mobile. So, it made its decision to play its autoplay ads on to the mobile. This decision helped the marketers to increase their reach and exposure to the millions of people across the platform with their ads.
The autoplay video ads on Facebook were with the length of 15 seconds which plays automatically onto the news feed without any disturbance that means it will play without sound. Whenever the user was interested in the video, they can click on to the video to watch it in Fullscreen with the music.
If the users are not interested in attending the video content, they can scroll with some disruption. The videos also show a little preview along with the thumbnails. The video can play instantly without any delay, and they can be compatible with the iOS and Android too.
Mobile Video Consumption Is On 10x Increase
The mobile subscriptions were penetrating more than 92 percent globally at the end of 2017. The Smartphone subscriptions increased the data consumption rates. The growth of mobile was going from the 3G networks to the 4G technology.
The voice calls and the text messages became cheap. but, users are no more interested in using the plan they are only relying on the internet in which they can all of these things free of cost as many applications arrived in the market which works with the data plans.
So, people were not recharging the text messages instead they are choosing better data plans for the consumption of the data through mobile devices.There are various surveys have taken by many companies about the rise of mobile consumption and majority of the polls revealed that it was going to raise 10X times more in the coming 2019.
The study revealed that there are some differences in the traffic levels in various regions in case of mobile and nearly 12 Exabyte’s traffic will cross month when we reached 2019. In countries like France and South Korea, the users ate consuming the videos by weekly with the advent of the 3g and 4g technology in smart mobiles.
The video consumption is also increased ten folds with the new technology via smart devices. The application development is even playing a massive part in the growth of mobile video.
Several applications in the market were curating the top and best video content for the users and encouraging the watch time and Viewability rates from the users. So, finally, we can say that Mobile usage will continuously rise in the future too.
Mobile Video Statistics And Growth
Smartphones have changed the future of video marketing today. Smartphone has become one of an integral part of life as work become more comfortable with the smart gadgets in this busy lifestyle.
With the development of the various applications on different categories, allows the people to get connected with what they want with just one click. More than 62 percent people across the world were shopping via mobile applications which are one of the examples of the growth of mobile devices and marketers approach.
Mobile Video:
You may read several articles on the power of video marketing and advertising in this digital era. The mobile video becomes more powerful to reach the audience directly. Marketers have targeted the audience with various mobile video formats and increasing their sales conversions. New developments in the mobile video marketing and the new applications were still in the process which reveals the better growth in future too.
- Nearly 4.67 million mobile connections year 2017
- The portable data traffic was increased thirty times than the previous year statistics.
- By 2019, more than 80 percent rise in mobile video traffic estimated
- 92% of mobile videos are shared through others
- Every 60 seconds there was 72 percent videos uploaded on YouTube
- E-commerce sales were reported to raised by using the Mobile video as their promotional strategy
- More than 85% US users use internet connection to the mobile Videos
Mobile Video Ads Statistics
Today, and there is an excellent chance with the development of the multiple platforms on mobile phones.
When comes to the video advertising, it becomes a most effective form of advertising online. Marketers are switching towards the mobile video advertising efficiently as audiences are interested in watching the videos via mobile devices. Many research reports also revealed the statistical data behind the mobile video advertising across the globe.
- More than 90% videos watched through Twitter mobile apps
- 10 million Videos are watched per day through snapchat
- When you compared to images and texts more than 1200% shares to the mobile videos
- morethan 85% Facebook Videos are watched with out sound effects
- Landing page videos increase 80% conversions on Facebook
- More than half of the content is Viewed through mobile devices
Mobile phone usage has dramatically increased across the globe. Everyone was going to the smart devices as they become part of our life. People become interested in various applications that are developed by the developers and utilizing them for their needs. This above guide is a perfect example for Mobile Video Advertising Continues to Expand.