Online video marketing has changed the way of the approach of marketers towards marketing. You have a clear idea of how effective the video marketing is in the present marketing ecosystem. The complete details of YouTube for Insurance Brands is given here.
When comes to Insurance sector, marketers main agenda is to grab the audience loyalty and trust towards their brand.
The video is the only medium which can deliver the brand message in an emotional way. Even people are connecting with the videos which are engaging and useful to them.
So, insurance companies are targeting the video marketing to get more sales conversion compared to the offline reach. Previously insurance companies generally market their product by reaching the customer through phone calls and direct approaches as well as through TV ads.
But, there is a great change in today’s insurance marketing strategy as the majority of the marketers prefers online marketing especially with video content.
So let us dig much deeper about Insurance video marketing
Emergence and impact of Video marketing on Insurance companies
Uses of video marketing for Insurance companies
Types of videos for Insurance marketing and Video marketing strategies for Insurance companies
YouTube video marketing for insurance companies
Emergence and Impact of video marketing on insurance sector
Video marketing had emerged almost in every sector. Clients are more likely to connect with the video than any other content medium.
So, video marketing was emerged and had a great impact on the insurance industry as agents can get good loyalty from the clients if they can approach with the video content and follow up the clients with video.
More than 45% insurance clients are spending more than 20 hours every week on internet platforms. The media consumption rates are also very high on social media platforms.
Insurance agents have good chances to approach the people online with the video content. Several insurance companies are following the video marketing strategy and also got successful in grabbing the sales leads.
Here are some companies who had implemented their video marketing strategy to sell insurance to the people online.
Emotional marketing of Thai Life Insurance Company
This company went on with a slogan”Belive in God”. The video went on like a charity perspective in which helping others and making the world a better place to live.
This emotional video made the company stand out from other insurance videos. the company successfully marketing its insurance product online and reached their targets.
Interesting storytelling of Geico and the Flintstones
The entertaining story had driven the people towards this insurance company. The Geico insurance company began to improve its own marketing strategies towards video and finally got succeeded with its master video strategy that drives audience towards their insurance policy.
Uses of video marketing for Insurance companies
There are many uses for Insurance companies by implementing the video marketing strategy.
Products showcasing
By using the video content they can showcase their different types of insurance products to the audience using the video as the main medium. The video is the best way to convey your product usage and benefits to the audience in one go.
Product benefits demonstration
Video can be used to demonstrate the insurance policies and products in an effective and efficient way. The customers must know the benefits of the products in order to make a try. So that benefits must be delivered in a clear way with video.
Client testimonials
Client testimonial videos are more effective when comes to the insurance sector. Because insurance sector needs good trust and deliver the honest approach of the insurance company to the audience.
So client testimonial videos are the best way to grab the audience attention.
News release and comparisons
When comes to insurance policies we often compare the things to try the best policies in the sector.
So, it is very important to weigh the things and compare with other policy providers in the same sector. This differentiation definitely produces a good outcome in sales leads.
Types of videos for your insurance marketing and video marketing strategies
Agent videos
If you are an agent and going with online video marketing in the name of your working company. So discuss why you are in the field and what you like to achieve. Try with an interesting honest storytelling and share with your friends, relatives and close acquaintances. Pretty sure, you will get a better response than if you approach the same people directly for explaining your product.
Post claiming videos of clients
People trust a company if they noticed that is honest and real about what it was saying. So, the post claiming client videos will impact and boost your insurance marketing with video.
Policy explainers
Shoot a good explanation of policy in an interactive way to the audience. Many people don’t know the benefits of policies completely. If you deliver them to the people definitely they will get connected with your services.
New policy discussion video
If you are an insurance provider company, then let your clients and audience know about your new insurance policy in detail. Make an interactive and interesting video for them to grab their attention towards your product.
Make a general FAQ in customer perspective. Don’t make the audience bored on your video. Add some humor and fun while going with FAQ.
Try different videos and approach the audience with differentiating content. It is the way of approach and conveying ability plays a crucial role in getting successful with Insurance marketing with videos.
YouTube platform for insurance marketers
YouTube is the top video destination which had some millions of unique users and active users on its platform. It is the best platform where your video can get noticed by the millions of people.
By using the YouTube platform you can utilize different paid ads like the True view, skippable, non-skippable, banner, shoppable ads for your insurance product marketing.
You can make good explainer videos and host on YouTube platform.
The YouTube live can helps you to reach the people in real time. You can also get suggestions from the audience about your videos and product queries in real time.
You can also build good YouTube community for your insurance company. YouTube platform provides the video analytics where you can get a detailed analysis of your videos reach and video engagement.
YouTube is the best place for your insurance marketing as your video can rank at the top places in search results too.
Therefore, Video marketing for insurance companies can work best for their sales targets and better reach and especially build trust and awareness in the people about their company. So try these above strategies, tips and success stories to be the best. Have a happy marketing!!