The Relationship Between Video Marketing and Political Campaign Strategies

How has the video marketing become the moral fibre of politics?

Are there any better ways for politicians to target the voters?

How can the video marketing strategy enhance the political fame?

Video advertising is everywhere. There are on the television, on YouTube and widely used for political campaigns. Videos are being used promoting and marketing social and political ideas.

Digital video advertising helps reach more massive voters and engage them faster. The videos need not be professional looking but should have a compelling story. Video can change the face of any political campaign.

A Brief History of Video Marketing and Politics

Video has become the vital media for present politics as it is the easiest way to reach the public in an instant. The filtered video marketing strategies to promote the politics on social media is the best weapon to reach the targeted audiences of voters.

The traditional approaches like public speeches, face to face events and debates in public might work to some extent. But the politicians might not find the time to spend, and that type of activity will have some restrictions like to conduct in specific areas and times. Hence to eradicate that issue the present democratic system completely rely on the social media to attain the attention of the voters.

The political video ad campaigns sharing on social media platforms like YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and Twitter are playing a major role to get the attention of the public through the act of sharing and commenting on that particular campaign or characters involved. The most important thing is the teens are most seeking voters who are spending hours of time to watch video content on social media.

How does a Political Campaign Strategies works?

An effective political video will have a clear message. A powerful slogan can use throughout the video. They should hit the emotional notes of the viewer. Draw the emotion that the user and the political candidate shares.

Try finding common ground and tell a story about how the candidate will help to make improvements. Capture the imaging of the audience with the right kind of music and images. Even after finishing watching the video, people should remember how the message in the video made them feel.

Different Types of Political Online Video Advertising

There are different types of advertising for political marketing.

Digital advertising:

Digital ads allow targeting specific demographics and engage with the voters. Digital ads can be simple text ads that appear on print media or can be video messages. The goal of digital ads is to engage with the voters visually and direct them to take some action by visiting the website.

Digital advertising for political marketing is the social media messaging:

This type of advertising is being used to gain support for the politicians contesting in polls. Social campaigning can be organic or paid. Organic advertising is to grow the following naturally. Messages are shared through posts and are focused on connecting with the audience on the personal level. The videos, text, and photos that create interest can encourage the followers to share, like and comment on the posts.

Paid advertising helps to gain the following faster:

Posts or page on a social network can promote by paying the price. The promotion can be in a specific region or to particular demographics. Another most popular and useful type of advertising for political campaigns is video messaging.

There was the time when creating videos was expensive. But now high definition cameras are accessible and affordable making the creation of videos natural and familiar. The videos need not look professional, but it should connect with the viewers and learn more about political campaigns.

How helpful is Video Advertising for Political Campaign Strategies

The power of video advertising for political campaigning cannot underestimate. There are different ways to use video marketing to influence the voters by spreading the message to reach a wide array of people.

Uploading the videos to YouTube is a unique opportunity for political parties to be available online. Make the videos easy to share with the viewers, incorporate links and interact with viewers.

Ensure that the videos have content that people love to watch. Promote the videos across all social network channels. Include a call to action in the video depending on the goal of the campaign. It can be sharing the video, capturing the emotional attention or using any other specific act that helps for the political campaign.

Video advertising is rapidly growing as more and more internet users are spending longer time watching video ads especially when some elections are coming.

Video advertising for political campaigns is an efficient way to reach niche audiences, and there are many advantages over television advertising. Online video advertising is more measurable and is easy to track whether the viewers are skipping the ad or watching it.

Political Campaign Strategies For Video

  • Political video advertising can influence the voters significantly. Different video ideas can use as a Political Campaign Strategies. Personal introduction videos help the voters to see and hear the personal message of the candidate.
  • The videos can include messages that introduce the candidates or why he or she is running. Video advertisements created for television converted for use on online videos. Campaign events are another type of video advertising.
  • These can be clippings of rallies, speeches, and interviews that are of interest to the voters. Try keeping the videos short especially when posting them online. These should not be more than three minutes long. Do not make the videos that posted on the blog or the website run automatically.
  • The decision of voters was earlier made in living rooms in front of televisions. Now digital video advertising is being used to learn about candidates, issues, and events. Political parties are finding what the voter wants by using different tools such as Google Trends are using video to answer these questions.
  • Digital video marketing has become an integral part of political video campaigning. Programmatic advertising is a new technology that is changing political strategies. Video advertising is an efficient way to deliver emotional content. Live video is another way to tell the story.
  • Video advertising is an excellent format for educating and informing the voters. Videos can convey the message more efficiently and engage the views better. A personal relationship can be developed with the viewers by the use of right sight and sound.
  • Apart from the above, using video advertising for political campaigns is becoming essential as the competitors are using them to capture the attention of potential voters. Not using video in campaigns means being left behind.

Common Political Video Marketing Best Practices

The political campaigns are all about connecting the voters on a personal level. The most important thing about Political Campaign Strategies is Narrative. Here are some best practices for traditional Political Video marketing.

Video Advertising aka YouTube Advertising:

YouTube gets over one billion viewers per day. YouTube is the second largest second search engine YouTube advertising potentials continuous to grow exponentially.

People can share their political content through YouTube videos for effective video advertising campaigns. Google also launched 2010 campaigns toolkit as an upgraded Google campaigns toolkit.Both the Google and YouTube to reach more citizens.

Negative Video Marketing Strategies:

Political ads become more and more native over the course of 2012 present campaigns. Political scientists have been studying about the native video ad campaigns considering the voter opinion and research were done on how native video ads affected the citizens.

For example US politics, many people do not know entirely about the politics, but the Native video ads describe what is happening in the current market and how do we choose our leaders.

Counter Video Marketing Strategies:

Counter video advertising is an advertisement which response release a parody of that ad. It provides parody to the original advertisement where the message reaches the people. Counter Video marketing takes place in politics or opposing some products opposing supporting some issues about good or for evil publicity.

The counter advertising uses some techniques to deliver the message to the audience through original ads, but the counter ads display the message differently. Visible images are the best for the counter ads people will forget what they here, they remember what they saw.

Digital Branding using Social Videos:

8 out of 10 people spend an average of 2 hours by surfing the internet every day. Branding your Political Campaign Strategies through social videos plays the prominent role in Digital Branding. Live Interaction, Publishing on Blogs, trending video on social media, real-time countering are the different activities that politicians do on online through social videos.

Branding Your Logos or campaign videos on digital world make sense when compared to traditional Branding. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube are the best source for branding your social videos.

Improving image and message in strategic target areas using Video:

Every politician must have a strategy to target the audience with their Brand content and through video. The video must have a right message and images uses in the video should describe the what we are doing in real life.

A social video or a video which describes a particular person image must have unique identity among competitors. A targeted video increases the perception of the brand and reduces the cost of the campaign.

The Context, Content, and Process of Video Marketing:

Context Marketing the set of best practices designed to improve the value of your content which meets the perspectives of the Customer. Whereas, content marketing is writing the best content related to the educational or technology related content for their Blogs for campaigns.

For Example, President Obama visited Australia. All the media will cover every move of the Obama in Australia. Here the Context and content in video marketing process vary. Another best example to explain both in Video Marketing is Amazon shopping.

A Framework for Political Video Marketing:

Political marketing implies the use of technology, marketing tools, techniques and methods in political Process. It is an activity or a way that happen between the marketing and Political Campaign Strategies. Political marketing incredibly used in democratic political system mass support is essential to sustain the power.

The framework of political marketing including concept and implications, Origin and Development of Political marketing, mainstream marketing, Functions of political marketing and appraisals of political marketing.


The approaching of voters through video marketing will give the best results with no huge investment. Thses Political Campaign Strategies could be the better way to target the teens who are the leading voters for the democratic country.

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