The most important strategy of the video marketing is to improve the customer education about your brand or company, increase brand awareness, to increase the online engagement rate, lead generation, conversion rates, sales, lead nurturing and traffic. All these are the primary objectives of video marketing today. To achieve all these above goals and successful in your video marketing, you need to go for Search Engine Optimization. Video SEO Performance can be measured by considering some important points.
Yes, SEO can expand your targeting opportunities and increases your ROI but, you need to analysis the performance time to time by knowing various benchmarks for measuring the SEO for your video. Here is the list of benchmarks for measuring the SEO performance in your video marketing. Let us have a look.
1. Search Engine Traffic that is developed organically – the organic traffic is the most real traffic you get for your video. So, check the organic traffic first.
2. Type of content used – the content type is also a bench mark in measuring the video SEO performance because, though you are following different techniques to get better rankings, you need quality content to make those techniques more efficiently implemented.
3. Metadata performance – performance of metadata is another factor that influences overall SEO performance and reflects in the analysis of your video SEO.
4. Audience research – audience research is nothing but knowing about your potential audience and what they exactly love to watch and take from your content.
5. Competitor research – Do research on your closest competitors which is the benchmark you need to go with.
6. Strategic plan – strategic planning will reveal at every step from the creation of your video title to the publishing of your video.
7. Optimization of thumbnails – know how well you optimize your thumbnail to make it exactly match with your video content.
8. Optimization of metadata – keep an eye on metadata optimization which influences on your overall video search engine rankings
9. The performance of descriptions and thumbnails. Understand well and create the best descriptions including the keywords.
10. Monetization demographics – understand the monetization demographics in a better way.
11. Demographic Targeting – target the most interested demographics.
12. A/B testing, test your strategies with other successful campaigns and know the positives ad negatives of your strategy.
13. The total percentage of the organic search and the percentage of traffic.
14. Total unique keywords in sending traffic. Understand the unique keywords in the sending traffic.
15. Analysis of landing page traffic in detail. Understand the landing page traffic and the number of clicks you got on your video that diverts the audience towards your landing pages.
16. Search referrals were based on the non-branded versus branded organic results.
17. Organic search engine traffic and conversion rates. Know if any conversions are successful with your organic trails.
18. The total number of conversions noticed from the organic search traffic.
19. Some events created by the organic search traffic. The event tracking is an ideal one for the fewer sales oriented one.
20. Revenue obtained from the search engine traffic organically. The assumption of the metrics to be tracked mainly needed for e-commerce businesses.
21. The total percent of search traffic obtained from the keyword search referrals from the none branded one. Understand the keyword referrals in a better way.
22. Core keyword strategies and the total percent of search traffic. Know the core strategies that are to be applied for the keywords.
23. Monitoring of keyword ranking. Monitor the rankings time to time to be in the top results.
24. The productivity of the search engine optimization procedures.
25. Inbound linking, the number of people researched, contacted and acquired your content basing on the priority.
26. Social sharing – checking most powerful platform basing on your content shares on a particular social media platform.
27. Contacts related to the third party know how communication is working.
28. Assets related to the content, the total number of pages generated and the optimized, content reviewed.
29. The full links and unique domains. Linking to websites and other relevant pages with your video or including in the video marketing campaigns.
30. Trends analysis – analysis various marketing trends and new outcomes and new strategic plans.
31. Month rational trends analysis – analysis month wise trends basing on he developments and key findings.
32. Organic search conversions – finding a total number of organic search conversions.
33. Year to year improvements, tracking yearly improvements and implementation the relevant points in the strategic plan.
34. Year over year declines and improvements – decline and reason behind declining of a point strategy.
35. Competitive benchmarking with SEO, analyzing the competitor’s benchmarks is also a benchmark in video SEO analysis for your video marketing.
36. Indexing the pages
37. Creation of the inbound links, creation and performance analysis.
38. Assets performance with the content marketing.
39. Click through rates – the total number of click through rates for your video can be analyzed.
40. Unique website visitors, a total number of unique website visitors that are diverted from your video content to your website must be analyzed.
41. Video watch time – the watch time helps you to know the status
42. Video retention graphs – retention graph study and analysis.
43. Average rankings in search engine, estimated average rankings across the different search engine results for your video can reveal the video performance.
44. Optimization of conversion rates, measuring the customer conversions transforming them into sales.
45. Segmentation of conversion rates, call to actions and total percent of traffic originated by taking organic traffic, referral traffic and direct traffic along with the traffic from social media and paid search.
46. Bouncing rate
47. User engagement rates
48. Community building performance
49. Comments analysis
50. Collaboration capacity and efficiency tracking
Finally, these are the main 50 benchmarks you need to focus while measuring your video SEO performance. Certain factors influence the success and separate you from the crowd. An excellent analysis helps you to overcome the mistakes that are occurred earlier, and you will get a chance to remove the mistakes and get success.