Why there is a need to promote the live streaming?
Live streaming success is measured by number of viewers who are engaged. Promoting the live stream in advance helps get the attention of the viewers.
- Start promoting your event early enough. Notify to your people about the scheduled time. Depending on the length of the live video stream amount, start promoting the event a week or a month before.
- Identify those who expressed interest and send follow-up notices.
- Have a link to promote the live event. It is ok if the link takes the audience to the simple holding page.
- Provide some guidance to the audience about how to participate in the live event.
- Start posting about the event on your social network sites.
- Promote your event on Twitter, Facebook. LinkedIn and others.
- Also ask your followers and friends to promote about your upcoming live stream.
- Email newsletters can be sent with the details of topic of the live event, scheduled date and time.
- Send the emails an hour before the live stream begins.
- Also send follow-up letters to inform the people that now the recorded live stream is available that can be watched leisurely.
- Embed the link to the live event in the email.
- During the live streaming increase the audience engagement by means of polls and questions.
- Audience engagement can be increased if the live streaming is hosted in the middle of the week.
- However there is no rule that the live streaming should be hosted on only particular days. It depends on the target audience.
- Use the platforms that are easy to join for the audience.
- Use a hashtag for your live event.
- To promote the live event on YouTube video, mention the live event in the videos.
- Create a video to tease the live event and post it on your YouTube channel.
- Send promo email letters for people to let them know about the upcoming live event.
- The ‘remind me button’ on the event page lets you gather the email addresses of the people and you can include these people in your campaign.
- Ensure that the email letters does not look like spam.
- Make the email letters personal and compelling.
- Let your existing members also know about the upcoming event.
- Choose the perfect time for streaming.
- To attract the audience, there is need for the live video to be compelling.
- Ensure that the title is catchy and people understand the content with by reading the content.
- Take feedback from the audience of your previous live streaming and plan your upcoming event.
- Do not promote the live event too early.
- Talk about the live event in the social media and blog.
- Have a clear goal about the live streaming and plan the event to achieve the goal.
- Choose the hosting platform which is comfortable to use.
- Don not use a new platform as it can cause errors during the stream.
- Choose the platform where your audience spends most of their time.
- Share your live event schedule in social media groups.
- Send invitations to targeted audience.
- Create a page on the website to embed the live stream.
- Creating a page on your website helps you drive traffic to your website.
- Coordinate with your promotions partners to help your live streaming.
- If you are hosting your live stream on Meerkat, you can use images to promote the broadcast.
- Create engaging image to create anticipation on the live streaming.
- Before officially launching the live streaming to public, test it and make sure there are no errors.
- Have backup gear to depend in case of failure of the main gear.
- Use bulletins and websites to let the participants know about the live event.
- Do not forget to check the audio quality of the event in advance.
- Be there at least half an hour before the event starts to keep the early audience engaged.
- Test your equipment before streaming.
- Check the broadband speed, keep everything organized.
- Record your live event for repurposing purposes.
- Stick to your schedule.
- Keep responding to the audience’s comments and questions to make them come back to your next stream.
The video is a trend now. The rising popularity of live video can be attributed to YouTube, Facebook, Periscope.