It is already proved that bloggers who create video content have a large audience and can stand out from their competitors. Social video sites give the people ability to express themselves through vlogging. Vloggers can choose any topic on this earth and talk about them in front of the camera and upload these videos online. To be a successful vlogger, there is a need to have some habits. Let us find about them.
1. To keep contacts with the subscribers, make your videos unique.
2. Have something in your videos that is different from the content of others.
3. Interact with the viewers and engage with them.
4. Respond to comments and queries.
5. Answer to the questions of fans and also reply to the comments of subscribers on YouTube, this helps the community to grow.
6. Know about your audience. What sort of people are watching the blogs and who are subscribing to the channel.
7. Make a habit of evaluating which videos are attracting what type of audience. This helps in creating what the audience will like.
8. Set goals for the vlogs. This helps is working towards achieving them.
9. One of the essential habits for the vlogger is that he should be able to enjoy them.
10. Do not choose the topic which do not interest you. If you are not speaking with your heart, the audience will know it.
11. Choose a look for the blog. Having a consistent brand helps the audience to identify you and also to build trust.
12. People watch your videos not only for the information that can be available in others videos but for you so give your videos a unique personality.
13. Make it a habit to be just yourself.
14. Add a little comedy to your content.
15. Do not give generic titles to your videos.
16. Give great titles that are catchy and can get the viewers attentions.
17. Use the keywords in the title that help the search engines to find the videos.
18. Using the perfect thumbnail also plays an important role in the success of the video.
19. Choose the thumbnails that are automatically generated by YouTube or create custom thumbnails.
20. Create videos on topics that the audience want to watch.
21. Use the analytic tools find the most popular video on your channel and then plan your future content.
22. Check the popular videos of your competitors and get inspired by them.
23. Encourage your viewers to comment on your videos and ask them to suggest some content ideas.
24. You can keep your vlogs consistent by filming the videos in a great location.
25. Due to the short attention span of the viewers, take care that the video you make are catchy in the beginning.
26. Provide valuable content for the viewers.
27. Make it a habit to have the script ready before you start recording the video.
28. Good lighting is important for the videos.
29. Stick to your posting schedule.
30. Let your community know about the posting schedule and when to expect a new video.
31. Make sure to ask the viewers to like, follow or subscribe to the vlog.
32. Share your volt to social media and mention you call to action in the messages.
33. Tag the vlog with relevant tags.
34. Choose the keywords that are popular and make sure you are using at least 12 keywords for a vlog.
35. Thumbnail for the vlog should be clear and compelling.
36. Thumbnail should be chosen that accurately represents the video.
37. It is a good practice to put the headline of the video on thumbnail.
38. Follow ‘KIS’ keep it short. Keep the videos as short as possible and get to the point quickly.
39. Plan ahead for each vlog you are going to create.
40. Just don’t read from the script while recording videos.
41. Write proper description for the video and mention the phrase that you want to include in the description to rank higher in search results.
42. Back links helps in terms of SEO.
43. Social media is only to build following but also for building links.
44. Encourage people to share your vlog on social media.
45. Use hashtags to reach large number of audience on social media.
46. Google Plus, Twitter and Facebook are the place where you can use hashtags.
47. Create a blog and embed your vlogs there for increased reach.
48. Comment on vlogs of others.
49. Create email list and send the details of your top three popular vlogs.
50. Join forms and promote your vlogs there.
Whether you are a new vlogger or a vlogger with tens or thousand numbers of videos to your credit, having some essential habits help to make the vlogs a success.