YouTube Video Copywriting

YouTube Video Copywriting: 10 Killer Techniques

Up to now, we made a lot of discussions to be a successful vlogger and in the most required part that should be included in this strategy is YouTube video copywriting.

The copywriting will define the video content in an extraordinary way.

Do you want to pinch your audience with more interesting video content?

Don’t you know how the copywriting tips will sculpture the video content to be more aggressive?

Here is the guide to know more about it.

What is YouTube Video Copywriting?

All brands that are being promoted through the YouTube channel are in intended to get huge engagement for the channel with unexpected traffic.

Video copywriting is nothing but the writing of content for the videos that are being uploaded to the YouTube channel.

That may be related to products, tools, commercial sites and services etc.

The copywriter should frame the words of mouth as the effective content of the YouTube video.

Why is YouTube Video Copywriting so important?

Most of the channel advertisers or vloggers want to be in the top place. With that intention, everyone is hunting for the best strategies to reach their target.

Here copywriting is the essential snack to feed the audience with varied flavors of creation.

When the video of YouTube wants to gain higher rank then generate the video with greatest copywriting skills.

When we are strongly obvious to write the video content then consider the key points like the emotions of audiences, call-to-action, concept and length etc. to reach the exact expectations of the audience.

Through the YouTube video copywriting strategy the video views and watch time which in return improves ROI of the channel while publishing video campaigns.

  • Tip 1: Use Viral Keywords in the Title
  • Tip 2: Write a Kick-Ass, Optimized Video Description
  • Tip 3: Be Careful in Writing 1st Sentence of your Video Description
  • Tip 4: Video Title and Description Should match your Video Content
  • Tip 5: Use Right Tags
  • Tip 6: Use Proper Call-To-Action for your Videos
  • Tip 7: Use Complete Description Characters Limit
  • Tip 8: Use Long tail and Future Search keyword tags
  • Tip 9: Use numbers in Video Title to skyrocket CTR
  • Tip 10: Link to other Popular Videos by writing catchy titles within the description

YouTube Video Copywriting: 10 Tips for Writing Video Title & Descriptions that Ranks

YouTube is one of the largest video sharing website and is the most popular one for many reasons. The SEO value that comes with video content on YouTube. Higher search rankings can be achieved by writing appealing titles and descriptions. Good title and description can help in lead generation.

1. Ensure that the titles are within 70 characters including spaces because if it has more characters, these will be truncated.

2. Write the keywords that you used in the title at least once in the description also.

3. Search for popular keyword phrases relevant to your content using the Google Keyword Tool.

4. Do not mislead the viewers with tittles.

5. Include these words in your titles – Video, Tutorial, Review etc

6. Let your titles be clear, descriptive and provoke curiosity.

7. Give a brief summary of the video in the description. YouTube allows writing up to 5000 characters in the description. Description helps YouTube to understand what is there in the video. Transcriptions of the video are also written by some creators in the description box.

8. The short and compelling video description should include relevant keywords also.

9. Include links to the videos to drive traffic to social media sites and other videos.

10. The first two lines of the description appear in search results next to the video. So make the most of it. The first five lines are included in the video. Write an HTML link or a link to your free offer in these five lines.

Title and description are the most important factors to consider for YouTube video. Relevant keywords need to be used in Titles to ensure higher search rankings. Descriptions also help to get more clicks to the videos. Above are some of the tips to write perfect titles and descriptions to the YouTube videos.

How To Use Copyrighted Music On YouTube?

Copyright Violations are the most common term you might already go through sometimes as a Youtuber. Yes, we are in YouTube mania, and from users to advertisers are focusing on YouTube Platform to promote and fetch benefits. The majority of the copyrights addressed the music. They did not realize the consequences of copying someone’s music unintentionally or intentionally. Steps to use Copyrighted Music On YouTube can observe here.

YouTube has stringent copyright laws that can take down your videos and even sometimes suspends your YouTube account due to the copyright infringements. So, creators must be aware of the consequences before utilizing any music. It is best to use royalty-free or copyright free music to avoid copyright infringement. Here is a guide that helps you how to use the copyrighted music in your videos and monetize.

The easiest way to avoid the copyright violations is to create the original or unique content for your video. Though you shoot your video which can be a unique one but containing additional elements particularly in Music might catch you in violation of YouTube terms.

Is it OK to utilize others music in the video?

It is a bit tough to answer the things because there are some ways to use the other’s music in your videos. However, it is a big NO to using the other creator’s music content in your video.

You can get permits from the original owners of the music to use their creation of music in your video. Public domains consist some of the sorts of music files which cane utilized in your videos.

However, if the particular music you are using is licensed and is not in public domain you need to take license and permits from the real owner of that particular music copy otherwise your video will come under copyright infringement

You can also utilize the music from the royalty-free music sites. However, there is some difference between the public domain music and the royalty-free music usage for your YouTube platform.

Difference between Royalty free music and public domain music

The Royalty free music is the music which is under the approval of permits. You can obtain the permits very quickly, and anyone can get them with ease.

Over 15 percent of YouTube users are utilizing the royalty-free music for their YouTube videos instead of other music files to prevent the copyright striking on their video.

The royalty-free music does not mean that they are offering for free of cost, they will charge accordingly for the music file. However, many sites are offering free music, and you can explore them even better.

You need a copyright license from the owner if it is not available in the public domain. The first thing you need to do is to know if that particular work needs any permission.

Later you need to identify the real or original owner of the content. The next thing is to determine the rights that are required for the license and contact the owner for payment negotiation. Take one written agreement from the copyright holder.

Re-purposing with the common creative license

Some Youtubers obtain the common creative license and allow others to repurpose their content in their videos. They allow the users to mark the videos under the CC-BY license. People can also utilize these types of videos using the CC-BY License.

These videos can be utilized for both commercial and non-commercial purposes using the YouTube video editor. The source video titles will be attributed automatically when it is used with the creative common content license.’

You can search the creative standard content by performing the search and go with the filters option. After that, you can click on the creative common from the options given in the filters type. The videos get displayed in the search results which come under the common creative license.

What will happen if you utilize some one’s work in your video?

You need to know about the YouTube copyrights and rules and regulations that are included in it. If you are too lucky and not monetized your video, you will not receive any copyright claims on your video. If you have started the monetization of your video by including the others work in your video, then you are more likely to receive the copyright claims and flags on your video.

Monetization will catch the attention of the creators. If you receive more than three strikes, you will be suspended from the YouTube platform and no longer upload videos on the platform. The copyrighted laws on YouTube platform are that much strict than anything else. So, always check the usage rights before using the particular content whether it is a video or music in your videos.

Did you know about fair use?

The fair usage is focused on the exceptions which limit the power of the copyrights. That means you can utilize the work in a fair manner. There are many rights behind the fair use term that are governed by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which is called a DMCA right. The fair usage terms the same DMCA guidelines.

DMCA helps you to know about the purpose of use and whether it is included commercially or for the nonprofit educational videos. It also determines the copyrighted work nature and the amount and substantial portion utilized in the copyrighted work.

How to get permission for using copyrighted music for your video?

It is a bit complicated when comes to contact the copyright holders for permits. Some platforms are offering the music for sale, and you can get these music files with a license from the real creators. This is the best way to get the copyrighted music for your YouTube videos.

Hope you have understood how to utilize the copyrighted content for your youtube videos.


All these are the unique tips that are necessary for the launch of YouTube video copywriting. These all should be considered while writing the video content of the YouTube channel. If you are being jammed in the middle of running a successful YouTube and not getting ideas to generate great video titles and descriptions. Then the tips that have been mentioned will boost your video creation strategies. Apply all these tactics at your YouTube channel.

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