How to Drive Sales with Video Marketing

How to Increase Sales Conversions with Video Marketing

Video is the integral part of the content marketing today. Video has a great impact on the audience and become the biggest revolution in the digital world. Today you can observe various trends in the video marketing across the web.

All we know that most internet users are spending time watching the video content. YouTube is the best example to know how the audience is much excited about watching the video content. Hence, the businesses are obtaining their sales by prompting video promotions on their business path. The video will not only showcase your products or services; it will describe the nature and working of your products while comparing with the textual promotions on social media. Moreover, the brands can find huge sales as it reaches to the relevant and potential customers. The added features like ‘visit website’ are offering more online sales through video streaming platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc.

Increase Sales Conversions with Video Marketing

The video was crossed multiple devices and expanded its market. The small business owners to the large business were using the video in their marketing and advertising.

The video viewing behavior was also changed, and the people are interested in watching the video content than spending the time to read the long journals and articles with text. The watch time has greatly increased and there are various video applications that are trending on mobile devices.

But, only a few marketers are getting identified and successful in making their mark on the millions of videos on YouTube, and many other platforms lack best tactics to drive the sales with video marketing.

Go with Present Trends

Visit video marketing and online video trends of the latest year reports and plan your strategy. Watch various video campaigns, live streams, live video Blabs, YouTube Shoppable ads and many other formats that are related to the video.

So, you will get a clear picture of how to use and how to approach with the audience with your content after accessing all these types of information. Include the trending topics in your video along with the brand message you want to convey.

Optimization of Video

Hire best SEO for your video optimization because video optimization can help you to rank at top position in search engine results which ca helps you to gain good exposure.

YouTube Shoppable Video Ads

The YouTube Shoppable video ads are the most engaging, and if you are one of the e-commerce company, you can place your products within the Shoppable videos which takes the customers directly onto your product page to buy. YouTube Shoppable Video Ads helps you to drive more sales.

Create Product Video and How to Tutorials

Product related videos, testimonials; tutorials are the best ways to get connected with the consumers. The audience likes to know more about the product and the testimonial which can increase the high conversions of sales.

Social Video

Social video is a great way to reach the audience. So, promote your sale on social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc to gain more exposure.

Target your Customers with a Analytics

The YouTube platform used to provide the in-depth analytics of your videos by providing the details about which type of audience is viewing your video and the growth of views. It helps you to know your target audience and increase sales.

10 Ways Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Video Marketing

Artificial Intelligence can be used to improve video marketing efforts. Brands are harnessing the power of this technology to enhance the experience for the customers.

  1. Artificial intelligence is used to develop and test video marketing campaigns and strategies.
  2. It is possible to identify trending video content with specific keywords and find the topics that best resonate with the audience. Make video content on this topic.
  3. AI analyzes hundreds of posts and discovers successful keywords which can include in the description and title of the video.
  4. It also analyzes the video content already created and identifies the keywords used, and the keywords not used recently.
  5. AI technology also allows creating multiple variations of the video by use of platform, audience, product, ROI performance.
  6. AI helps in making the video marketing effective by focusing on ROI.
  7. Using AI, the video creators can see the reaction of the people when they are watching the videos and know which part of the video is most loved by them. With this kind of A/B testing, the companies can share the video that gets good response.
  8. AI can help in the process of new product launch.
  9. AI can help generate insights from the vast quantities of data and help to improve the performance of video marketing.
  10. AI can be used to generate and optimize the ads.

Artificial intelligence also helps in web designing and to analyze the behavior patterns of the customers. AI can change the way marketers interact with customers. In the coming years, AI is going to accelerate marketing and also help increase sales. The impact of artificial intelligence is going to be significant in marketing. AI also helps in eliminating marketing waste.

10 Video Marketing Lessons We Can Learn from Verizon

Verizon communication was launched in the year 2000 in an America. It is also a broadband company with headquarters located in New York. One of the largest companies and is providing coverage at minimal rates. Its three units as a small business are the enterprise, wireless, and residential service. Let us see how Verizon uses Video for its marketing strategy.

  1. Verizon says that native content is effective for video marketing campaigns.
  2. Whether telling an effective brand story of transforming business strategy, quality video content is most important.
  3. Verizon has a Facebook page and it uploads video content regularly to inform its fans about its new plans.
  4. Verizon also has a YouTube channel and follows consistency in posting new videos.
  5. Verizon leverages mobile footprint.
  6. Acquisition of AOL was a thoughtful digital strategy of Verizon to target millennial embracing mobile video.
  7. It creates video content that appeals to a variety of audiences.
  8. Subscriber engagement was the best practice for Verizon for several years. It includes videos in its email marketing to target it, subscribers.
  9. By using social media to publish its video content, Verizon studies the customer experience and see the journey of the individual customer.
  10. Verizon listens to the conversations of its video audience and gains actual insights and then takes appropriate actions.

Verizon concentrates on providing original video content to its audience. It ensures that the video is engaging and can be accessed from everywhere on every device. Verizon also understood that if the video quality is poor the abandonment rates of viewers are going to be high.  With more and more people watching video online, it is required to focus on improving the video quality so that viewers are not lost.

Offbeat Video Marketing Growth Strategies to Follow

Digital marketing and video marketing go hand in hand and successful video ad campaign depends on the effective marketing growth strategy.  The digital marketer has the responsibility to see that the costly campaign pays rich returns through desired output.

Given below are some of the video marketing growth strategies:

1)    Skywriting:

This is one of the excellent and cost effective tools of unusual video marketing.  There are many organizations offering this facility at cost effective manner. While the output can be viewed in the radius of 15 miles, the pricing depends on the location and price package that the marketer chooses.

2)    Go viral with video:

The largest video ad channel YouTube is offering a facility where every viewer is allowed to upload videos of his choice on varied subjects (without causing emotional harm to other users).    The marketer as well can take advantage of this facility and upload his own content for promotion of his business.  Preparation of own videos should not be tedious as many formats of videos are readily available on YouTube for ready reference.  The videos themselves offer for copying the concept and using the same for the business of the marketer.

3)    Flash Mob:

As today’s many social functions are offering this attractive facility, this same technique may also be used by the marketer for his product/service.  This is a very novel concept and the cost for this is also minimal and well within the budget.

4)    A hashtag is another attractive way to do offbeat marketing.  Twitter and Instagram are some of the channels offering innovating vending machines and this can take the offbeat marketing to newer levels.

5)    Promotion of the video ad campaign in social media with attractive tiles and/or thumbnails will give the expected result for the marketer.

Video marketing is one of the effective tools to reach the consumers. But creating a useful video is a challenging task for marketers. Marketing the video to get maximum benefits from it is another challenge. There is a significant increase in video content online in recent times. Here are some of the B2B video marketing trends.

  1. Giving an experience of being there for the consumers by taking them to the virtual tour and show them from where the product is coming.
  2. B2B companies are trying to add humor to their video content and make people laugh.
  3. Video marketing strategy of B2B companies includes offering a solution to the problem and keeps their marketing strategy different from others.
  4. Problem-solving video marketing ideas for B2B video include an interview with customers, how-to videos etc.
  5. B2B companies are following clever marketing for making people connect with the brands.
  6. The video content is the strategy developed so that it will boost the engagement.
  7. The introduction of 360 videos by Facebook opened further opportunities for B2B marketers to grab the attention of the audience and they are using the right content to achieve this.
  8. B2B companies are also trying Snapchat for marketing with vertical video to give more engaging experience to the consumers.
  9. It is also a good idea to include video in the About Us section of the page to make an introduction to the consumer.
  10. B2B companies are also experimenting with Live video after understanding that people watch live videos three times more than other videos.

It is never too late for B2B companies to begin their video content marketing. Big budgets are not needed to get the attention of the consumers if the content created is appealing and relevant. A successful video marketing strategy will result in increased ROI.

Ways to do Video Marketing Using a Smartphone

The importance of video marketing can’t be underestimated. Video enables the marketer/publisher to convey the subject of his intention within a short span. As already established, a single video can do miracles than some pages of text content. Video marketing platforms are vying for their respective share in this wonderful market. Here are the ways to do Video Marketing Using a Smartphone.

Though there are various methods to shoot video before uploading the content on online platforms, the easiest of the methods being the smartphone.

Smartphone comes with many inbuilt features/advantages such as:

• It is economical.

• It is easy to carry.

• It is always carried by the owner.

• It has many advanced features including video shooting as well.

• There are many apps that further promote the functionality of the smartphone

In view of what has stated above, using a smart phone for video marketing is one of the best options for the marketer/content creator.

Let’s briefly discuss the ways to ensure the best quality of video using the smartphone:

• Proper lighting of the location.

• The positioning of the smartphone.

• Best of audio and music.

• Best shooting by keeping the objects close to video recording.

• Avoid using a smart phone in vertical position.

• Last but not least, use the available mobile apps to fine tune the video.

Coming to marketing of the videos recorded using the smartphone, following aspects need special attention:

• Prepare, finalize, declare and stick to the publishing schedule.

• Short form videos are getting increased support.

• Post relevant tutorials & tips in relation to your video.

• Customer generated content gives impressive support from the public for your videos.

As the wonderful concept of video marketing offers huge marketing potential, the marketer should take full advantage of the same and ensure proper marketing of his content.

10 Ways to make your First Online Sale using Video Marketing

Videos can bring a significant difference in your online marketing as they are the most effective form of content for online sales. Here are some ten ways to make your first online purchase using video marketing.

Make sample video content about your product

Shoot a sample video content about your product to send as a promotional beginning to your friends and relatives. Make it short, simple and informative.

Build community

Start connecting with the people by creating the social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, Google plus etc to start interaction with the people.

Create brand pages on social networks

Create a brand page and switch your standard logo for product sale. Post the video trailer about your product.

Publish a press release with video

Publish a press release type of video across the platforms. Share with your friends and bring awareness about the product you are selling.

Use Live Video Streaming

Go live video broadcasting about your product with clickable shopping link to the audience and rise your chances to sell your product online.

Offer a freebie and inauguration discounts to the audience

Offer some attractive discounts or freebie with your first product sale in your video advertising.

Go shoppable

Utilize the YouTube Shoppable ads where the audience can direct to your shopping site in the video itself. It helps you to grab the first customer.

Try in-stream video ads

Try using in-stream video ads on YouTube platform about your product launch by announcing a best offer to the audience.


Unbox your product before the audience and ask them to click the purchase link in the video. That purchase link must be direct to the shopping site.

Unboxing by influencers

Go for influencer marketing and start the same before your product launch. Prepare some product trailer videos and unboxing videos and make influencer marketing by finding the right influencer that is relevant to your niche.

Video Marketing Tips For Bootstrapped YouTube Channels

YouTube is the most popular online channel after Facebook.   YouTube is viewed both as an entertainment channel and also as an encyclopedia containing vast information on varied topics.   YouTube is one of the excellent channels to promote the business through video ad campaigns.

Given below are some of the video marketing tips which may be useful to digital marketer.

1) Interconnecting the start-up video meaning that the marketer integrates all his tools throughout the web.   The marketer has to provide contact details (including social media details), and those details should be contactable and responsive as well.

2) Informative content coupled with keywords is necessary.   The content shall be providing interesting and actual data about the product, and for the viewer to reach the content without much difficulty the keywords need to be incorporated.

3) Maintain interest of the viewer.   The marketer should ensure that the interest of the viewer maintained until the end of the video.   There are a lot more techniques to keep the viewer glued to the video until the end.

4) The file name is another important concept that YouTube places rather than the content of the video.   Being the 2nd largest SEO, YouTube wants to maximize SEO in the content as well.

5) Co-view web is another method that the start-up video marketer can follow to improve the visibility of his video.   Co-view web is the process of clicking on the next set of suggested videos (not belonging to him) and inserting the URL of his video.   Though this is a time-consuming process, the results are astonishing.

6) Keep the viewer engaged with regular stuff like ‘like,’’ subscribe,’ ‘share’ etc.   Almost all the videos are having a provision to like/subscribe/share. It is one way of gluing the viewer to the video.

7) Attractive thumbnail and call to action are other usual techniques to increase the visibility of the start-up YouTube channel.

Video Marketing Tactics for Multi-Platform Content Distribution

While the marketer is interested in ensuring the proper promotion and reasonable response/result for his content, he can’t depend on the single-channel/platform for this purpose.

He is required to adopt a multi-platform content distribution approach in this regard.

What is multi-platform content distribution?

This is a process where the marketer puts his content on different channels at a similar time. This would enable him to take advantage of the increased viewership of different platforms.

What are the different platforms that are available today – this is quite a simple question to ask. But the answer is complicated as the list is increasing day by day.

The platforms include personal computers, iPads, CD-ROMs, smartphones, tablets, and much more. With each of the platform offering its advantages, the marketer can’t ignore any of the mentioned platforms.

Given below are some of the video marketing tactics to achieve optimum results from multi-platform content distribution.

• Attractive content is the first and foremost requirement to attract the content viewer.

• Presentation of the content in the most appropriate (and presentable) format is equally essential for the marketer to achieve the desired results.

• The optimum video is another important criterion. As some of the displays are smaller in size, the lengthier videos may not get the required attention from the viewers.

• Maintaining regular programming schedule is another important factor that the marketer of the content can’t ignore. The viewers might like the interaction with the marketer, and there has to be a provision for providing the required contact details and contact timings as well.

• Playlists as a concept work very well in making the viewer sit in front of the video till all the content in the playlist displayed.

• Attractive titling and thumbnail attracts and retains the viewers to the content.

Cross-advertisement is required to attract subscribers of one channel to the content of the marketers on other channels.

How to Win the Video Marketing Game?

The open secret of winning the video marketing game is by creating the engaging, interactive content which increases the image of the brand by targeting the audience and converting them into your customers. It can practice with the interactive content which focuses on the imagination and emotions of the audience online. How to Win the Video Marketing Game? Across the web. People love watching videos than text content. But, according to the marketer perspective, video marketing is a game that every marketer must explore their winning marketing strategy. Here is how you can win this marketing game.

Customer testimonial in Video Marketing Game

The stories of successful customers who are satisfied with your services can be prepared as the customer experience videos which can be utilized as the customer testimonials to drive the traffic towards your video. So include the customer testimonial in your video to get good interaction.

Share instructive content that is useful to the audience

Share the content beyond advertising the things. If a toy can provide the audience with engaging content then they will definitely connect with your brand as the content you provided them is very helpful to them.

Explainer videos

Explainer video content that starts with titles like, How, Why and What about product or services which can definitely work to grab the people’s attention towards your videos.

Make a clear picture about your company

The audience wants to know more about your company and its success stories. So, let them know about the company standards to the audience in an honest way.

Go with tutorial videos

Tutorial videos also depend on how much a user can gain information and the utilization of the tutorials the by your customers.

All these above are some of the best winning ways of video marketing game and the rest of the things rely on how you implement the same in your video marketing strategy.

10 Ways Chatbots can Transform Video Marketing and Advertising

Chatbots gained popularity as the most important tool for marketers.Chatbot tools can be programmed to collect data, respond to keywords, and to offer products to consumers. Chatbots are the better way to keep interacting with the consumers and give an overall improved consumer experience and to increase sales. How chatbots can benefit marketers in their video marketing and advertising? Let us know Chatbots can Transform Video Marketing and Advertising

  1. Consumers want to contact the businesses not just in the banker’s hours but anytime during day or night to get information. Chatbots can be used to keep in touch with the consumers all the time.
  2. Chatbots make it easy for the consumers to access the businesses.
  3. Chatbots are programmed to track the purchasing patterns. This data helps the marketers to know how to advertise a specific product.
  4. Chatbots are programmed to make the consumer feel that they are talking to a real person.
  5. Chatbots address the consumer with the first name during the interaction session. A personalized video advertisement should be played to the consumer to introduce new products.
  6. Facebook recently announced new features for Chatbots. The marketers can now use video, audio and GIF responses for customers queries though Facebook chatbots.
  7. Based on the information provided by the consumers while using chatbots, these can ask the consumers to wait for some time and in the meanwhile show video advertisements that suit to their queries.
  8. Chatbots minimize the gap between customers and brands and open doors to improve the customer’s experience.
  9. Chatbots allow gaining customer insights. The more insights the brands gain, the better experience they can give to the consumers this, in turn, helps in better targeting and more sales.
  10. The analytics data got through chatbots will help predict the trends and identify the buying patterns.

The marketers must try to capture meaningful data with chatbots and properly analyze it. This data can be used to make improve the advertising and video marketing strategies.

Holiday Video Marketing Tips for Businesses

Video Marketing turns more effective in the holiday season. The video content increases the conversion rates of the content and increases sales leads. When it comes to holiday season like Christmas, there will be new possibilities to build to your sales target even more effective than any other season. The holiday season sales have a great influence on the market. Many reports were reported that 79 percent of market sales increased during the holiday season. During the holiday season, the customers are interested, and it becomes the regular habit to purchase new products and clothing, etc. this is the main key to focus on for the marketers. Here are some best ways to reach the customers and video marketing during the holiday season.

Video Landing pages and attractive showcase

The first thing you have to do is to highlight your business with an attractive Video landing page and design your holiday video campaign with the girl of colors, which can attract the audience online. Grab the attraction of the people smartly by showcasing your products more attractively.

Offer promotional offers with video

Festive season and holidays bring most joyous moments got the people. So, special promotions are a must to grab the viewer’s attention. So, start selling your products or goods from your website with special promotions this season.

Video Email Campaign

Start new video campaign for the holiday marketing. Include your promotional video content in your mail and send to the audience.

Promote your holiday campaign on social platforms Make your holiday campaign a big buzz on social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, etc. social platforms are the best places to get good engagement to your holiday video campaign.

Go with Special Offers

Make a promo on special offers for the holiday season and promote it by targeting your audience. Make special video trailer on all categories you are offering.

Go through and follow Audience

Go through the audience interest and visit important sites and blogs and research on audience interest and also estimate what your competitors offering this season and plan something unique and new which can be most engaging.

Best Ways to Implement Personalized Video Marketing

Video marketing revealed the most effective way in digital marketing approaches, and it is changing with trends. Today the personalization of the video is the trending concept in video marketing. The personalized video is very effective and become the biggest marketing trend across the B2B marketing online.

The personalized videos increase the conversion rates, which help to reach the maximum audience across the web. It is the new best way to attract the audience towards your content and convert them into your customers. The personalized video engages the customers at different levels. It also helps in building the one to one relationship with every single viewer.

Here are some different ways to use the personalized videos.

Utilize them in the Branded video campaigns

Attract and grab the audience attention by adding their name and make them included in the story. One can personalize and engage more than 100 viewers to thousands of viewers. So it is simple to reach a real one to one content to a number of people at a time.

Use in explainer video and entertainment videos

Include the logo of the company and the title to helps the audience to know about the concept of the life to increase the watch time. Create best videos that that are funny and interesting to the audience and go for a shareable content.

Use in webinars and product tour related video content

Use the personalization in the videos that are used on the product tours and the webinars. Let the audience feel that you have curated the video content specifically. When it comes to product tour type of videos, add contact name, photo and more in the product screenshots and let them experience the attention you are paying to your viewer.

Utilize the personalization key in customer and prospective videos

Use the personalization video content in the technical support videos, which makes the customers feel that you are there for them to support technically. It helps in delivering better customer experience with personalization. These can also be included in the recruitment videos which can make a powerful impression on the candidates.

10 Brands with Highly Successful Video Marketing Strategies

Video marketing is the enormous opportunity for brands. But it is a challenge to make people choose the video over a thousand other videos online. Brands need to create content that is unique, interesting, and entertaining to earn attention from the audience. The following brands tried to tell stories to create visual interest and achieved success through Video Marketing Strategies.

Successful Video Marketing Strategies

  1. The campaign of Android that says Friends Forever used the videos and pictures of cute animals. Android used the animals as the centre of attraction and did not seem to focus on selling their product. Very fewer dialogues used and Android let the video speak for itself.

2. Gainsight:

Blank space is the video advertising campaign of annual Pulse Conference of Gainsight. The brand used playful approach for their video advertising. They used influencers in ways that are not expected. The brand focused on entertaining the audience.

3. Always:

Like a girl is the video marketing campaign of Always a brand that cells feminine hygiene products. They made the video empowering, inspiring and they thought about how the life of customers interests with the product.

4. GoPro:

Hero in Action is the successful video marketing strategy of GoPro. They told a compelling human story and reached a wider audience.

5. American Greetings:

World’s Toughest Job video campaign helped get the meaning of the product. The candid reaction video became very popular.

  1. FedEx’s Growing Business campaign used subtle humor to attract the audience.
  2. ‘Look who’s driving’ is the popular video marketing campaign of Volvo.
  3. In The Scarecrow campaign, Chipotle let the audience know about the food used in their restaurants.
  4. LG’s popular campaign is the End of the World Job Interview is the video campaign to promote a new line of HD TVs.

10. Dove:

Real Beauty Sketches got millions of views and the ad went viral as women shared it among themselves.

A well-used video ad campaign tells a story, and it should appeal to the emotions. The above said are the marketing videos that went viral because of the elements such as humour, heartwarming or the surprise ending used in it.

20 Key Skills needed for Video Marketing Professionals

Video Marketing Professionals need increasingly varied skills to lead an interview or a job in his profession. Video marketing is more than hitting a record and uploading videos in all aspects. Today’s computerized showcasing specialists must have a various expertise set, including an elaborate handle of accessible media channels, the capacity to recognize cutting-edge openings, on top of having the fundamental attitudes of a splendid advertiser.

  1. Main aim of video marketing is a creation of the shareable video which connects audience. So, the video marketer must have keen ability to understand the audience
  2. Must have excellent communication and writing skills as it is essential to get connected
  3. Must know about different types of video styles for content marketing
  4. Must be good at decision making as it plays the significant role in critical situations which may raise the status of a company.
  5. Must have the ability to choose the right platform and applications to reach the marketing goals
  6. Must follow the latest trends in the market as it is imperative for the modern marketer to crack the strategy of success
  7. Must know about the metadata and its importance
  8. Must have the excellent knowledge on various social video platforms across the web
  9. Must manage the time, people and the deliveries of video marketing services
  10. must have good skills in video optimization
  11. must know about the community management
  12. Must have the ability to apply tactics to drive more traffic towards the organisation video content.
  13. Must be creative
  14. Must have the ability to work under pressure
  15. Must have excellent analytical skills as analysis is very important to reach the success point
  16. Must be well versed with the mobile video marketing and various applications
  17. Must have good knowledge at working of search engines and rankings on the web
  18. Must have good skill in PPC areas
  19. Must have ability to manage the content on multiple platforms
  20. Must be ready to take targets and reach confidently.

Youngsters who are entering in the field of video marketing, the digital marketing they should have some key skill factors to lead the profession. The above are the top 20 key skills needed for a video marketing professional and make use of this valuable information.

12 Video Marketing Strategies to Skyrocket Your Video Traffic

Video marketing is one of the more traffic attracting marketing tools.A few minute’s videos are worth several words.   Most companies who are into digital marketing for their products and services add videos to their websites, blogs, and post them on social media networks. If your landing page has a video, your conversion rates increased. According to studies, Video Marketing Strategies to Skyrocket your video Traffic..

The effect of a moving picture on the minds of the people should not be underestimated. A video campaign has more effect on the minds of consumers than any magazine ad or a radio ad.   The Internet is making it possible to use video marketing for product production and to boost brand awareness.

Video Marketing Strategies to Skyrocket Your Video

  1. Video marketing can be done on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Periscope
  2. Interviews with experts in the related field help you get more video traffic.
  3. Tutorials are also great for increasing traffic.  Choose a topic related to your service and product and make a small video. Behind the scenes, the demo for using a product etc can go viral.
  4. Want to send your message to consumers? Make a slideshow video with bullet points and graphics.
  5. Make a video of your product review and post them on social media networks as part of your digital marketing. These videos influence the decision making of the viewers and can help boost conversion rate.
  6. Request your existing clients to record testimonials about the product or service you are offering.  Publish it on your social media pages or on your landing page.
  7. Optimize your YouTube channel,if you have any.
  8. Optimize all the videos you upload. Use correct keywords, description and tags to find by the search engines.
  9. Follow regular schedule to post your marketing videos to build viewership.
  10. Add call to action. This can be asking the viewers to like the video, share the video, comment or register.
  11. Share your videos on social media networks.
  12. Email marketing also helps to bring viewers to your marketing videos.

The aboue are the top 12 Video Marketing Strategies to Skyrocket Your Video traffic.

10 Video Marketing Mistakes will Sink your YouTube Channel Growth

It already proved that video is the most powerful tool to reach the target audience. YouTube is one of the popular platforms for video and this platform cannot be ignored. Video consumption is the highest, whether on computers or mobile devices. YouTube is thus considered the best option to boost business. Some video marketing mistakes should avoid preventing the effect on the growth of the YouTube channel. Here are the most commonly arriving Video Marketing Mistakes that vanishes the brand name of the channel.

  1. Do not use the thumbnails chosen by YouTube. Since the thumbnails are the like covers of the book for the videos, customize the thumbnails to attract more viewers but do not use the random snapshots of the video taken by YouTube.
  2. Since YouTube videos are for entertainment purpose for many, do not use videos to sell your products but to incorporate brand essence into a powerful message and let it reach the audience.
  3. If right keywords are not selected, it will affect the SEO which is an important part of video marketing strategy.
  4. Do not neglect to promote the channel as the goal of the channel will not be reached if there is no one to watch.
  5. Not using social media page for promoting the YouTube channel is another mistake that should avoid.
  6. Though an ancient strategy, email marketing is one of the powerful tools so do not make the mistake of not sharing videos with your clients via email marketing.
  7. If you want more likes and leads for your official site with the channel, then you should give way to your viewers to reach the site. Do not forget to add a link to your site.
  8. Adding the right call to action directs the audience to take corrective action. Do not create videos without a right call to action.
  9. Do not avoid optimizing the title, description of the videos on your YouTube channel.
  10. Do not make the mistake of uploading poor quality videos.

The purpose of any YouTube channel is to achieve the marketing goals. Do not make any mistakes with video marketing and use video analytics to check what is working right for the channel and what is not.

How to Build a Strong Video Marketing Team

Now a day’s video marketing has become a major platform to promote the products or services or brand. The success or failure of that company depends on the hands of the whole team of video marketing. Then how to build such a strong team that never bounce back. Don’t need to struggle for that here are some strategies to form the strong video marketing team.

Define Your Organization/Brand Need:

Branding means how the clients will figure out about your company by considering the services, products, tools, response to clients and the fulfillment of customer requirements.

So when you have decided to build the strong pillar of a brand that shakes the entire marketing world just discuss all the mentioned branding requirements to your team members.

Make them be as masters in all aspects of branding.

Define an Objective to Achieve:

Here you need to explain the mission- vision of the company that means how you are running the company now and what are the amendments you are going to take to attain the vision.

The team members should treat these words seriously as it is their lifetime target.

Write your Goals to Achieve:

Initially, when you have started the company you might have some goals to reach.

But when you overcome those with good reputation then the real target of unexpected and hard goals will approach your mind.

Then you should share those with the team by revealing the tactics to claim those.

Conduct an Interview for the Candidates:

When you want to have the more powerful team then choose the concept of conducting interviews for the candidates.

Due to this, the aspirants with higher and required capabilities will be gathered.

When you have done this then it’s enough to give little push-up for them.

Screen Candidates according to your Requirements:

After taking interview then it’s better to go for partitioning the candidates by choosing a particular role.

This could be beneficial as they have knowledge of what they do and easy for them to complete the assigned task.

10 Video Marketing Must Do’s for Brands

Video marketing is an art and professional tactic. When it comes to brands, it plays an important role in their success. So here are some ten video marketing must do’s for Brands. Here we go.

Produce Engaging your Story

Produce Engaging content and it must not deviate with your own brand promotion which can make the viewer uninterested to watch the video. So, make sure you centered your story in the video to get good brand engagement.

First Ten Seconds

Concentrate on the first ten seconds of your video with more attention as it can change your video future views and shares. So, make the viewers to stick to your ad with attractive, interesting and useful content.

Make it Interesting

Create a video that is helpful and useful to the audience and it must not bore them. Add some fun elements to the video to cash the engagement.


Optimize your video content to the search engines to get identified among the millions of video content across the web.

Short Videos

Go with short form content within one to two minutes to get good viewability and engagement.

Go with Unboxing

Unbox your latest product related to your brand in a video which can grab the audience attention as well as can gain good loyalty from audience.

Social Video

Don’t forget the social media platforms. Choose the right open to implement your strategy in order to reach the right audience for your brand.

Email Campaign

Add video n email campaigns as the open rate are 23 percent higher on emails that are included with the video content.


Make shareable videos in the name if your brand which can deliver the better brand message.

Go Live

Live streaming has become the most important thing in the brand success. So go live with different live streaming applications or go live on social media platforms to reach your audience.

Finally, follow the above steps for better branding in your own way. Don’t forget that implementation must be in a right way to reach the right audience to your brand.

Shoppable Videos – The Next Big Video Marketing Trend

The advent of content promotion, there has been a tremendous change in the outlook of the marketers in terms of promotion of their products and also brand building. Seeing a huge success that content has been able to provide, lot more channels are praying for their pie in this segment.

More players offers content marketing opportunities for marketers. They are trying to get their due market share through this platform. The result is there is a lot more content (in terms of video as well) available on the net. This naturally creates a kind of fatigue in the minds of customers/viewers.

A solution to this problem can be through shoppable videos. The main idea behind the shoppable video is that the consumer is provided with the accurate and required information to enable him to go for a purchase decision. It will save a lot of his time as well as a lot of bandwidths also. The shoppable video is like a twin edge blade – on one side it allows the marketer to provide a more demonstrative explanation of both the story and urgency of the offer, it also forces the viewers towards the purchase decision as there is a purchase link attached to the video.

A brief note on creating shoppable interactive videos.  

There are apps available that can streamline (along with inbuilt analytics) the video creation process at a reasonable cost. These tools automatically provide ‘call to action’ buttons, sign up forms and also spaces for email registration. These all inputs the marketer needs to promote his product and also the brand of his company. One of the tools ‘Shoppable videos – The Next Big Video Marketing Trend video’ needs just connecting URL to the interactive options presented in the sidebar and also ensuring the required color combination. It is as simple as that. The tool’s inbuilt analytics track the success of the ad by itself.


Some of the early users of shoppable videos could see a large jump in their view count, which is the ultimate criteria to measure the success of the ad. As per the reports available, the number of views for product-related videos went up by 40% on the platform (YouTube) since the introduction of True View Cards. Another credentials are available from (TV channel), increased its digital audience by 91%.

Shoppable videos can shorten the purchase process at the viewer’s end as he is provided with the accurate, updated, and required information that will help him in his purchase decision.Is also helps the marketer to ensure that his ad campaign is successful.

10 Video Marketing Tips that will Increase your ROI

Content marketing is the latest trend and that too with the video being more powerful there is heavy competition among competitors to position their product on video sharing platforms like YouTube. The marketer has multiple objectives, i.e., increasing the sales, promoting the image of the company and of course the ROI (the bottom line for company operations).

One of the best bets that the marketers are considering for this perhaps is video marketing.   The present-day technology is offering the viewers (users) an option to search for the product (on the net) once they see the video about the product.   This can prove by the fact that the traditional marketing mix compared to the latest trend, i.e., video marketing, is way far behind.   The marketer needs to adopt certain strategies suitable for his organization to ensure that his marketing mix strategy is successful.   Naturally, this success is calculated based on the RoI.

Give below are some of the strategies that the marketer can adopt.

1) Move to forecasting: Traditional marketing mix is based on historical data (backcasting).   To move forward, the marketer needs to forecast.

2) There are reports that lion share of mobile web usage is through appropriate mobile apps.

3) ‘Call to Action’ is the trump card to direct the viewer to go for a purchase decision.

4) Monitoring the success of the videos is required to ensure the viewer’s behavior about your videos.   This is also useful to ensure that necessary updations/corrections carried out for your content.

5) Swiftness is sweeter.   You need to keep your video short and also ‘answer to the point’ type providing required information within the shortest possible time.

6) Variety is the spice of life.   You can prepare and launch as many varieties of videos of your products as possible (within your budgets).  More videos naturally return more benefits.

7) SEO is the CEO for content marketing.   Search Engine Optimization is the concept that the marketer always has to remember while finalizing his content.

8) Demographics to be given their due share.   Each segment of your viewers needs special attention to ensure that they are also involved in your viewer base.

9) Music to the ears of viewers is money to the marketers.   Suitable and attractive melodious music will enhance the interest of the viewer in the video thereby leading to more views and more sales as well.

10) “Link” to your website. This quick link will enable the viewer to hasten up his purchase decision.

The above are some of the strategies that the marketer can consider to ensure the best of ROI. The marketer, however, needs to ensure that the overall marketing activity is well within the budget and organizational goals.


To establish the strong video marketing team to grow up in the field of online video marketing, then you should follow the strategies mentioned above. If you are at the start-up stage of video marketing then immediately focus on this article that not to make any excuses later on.

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