Video Marketing Strategies

Video Marketing 101: Video Marketing Strategies All Students Must Learn

For any marketer, whether fresh out of university or someone who already works in the highly competitive marketing industry. video marketing is a vital tool and one that it is impossible to achieve marketing success without. That said, it’s not just a case of putting together a piece of video marketing and sharing it – there is a lot more to marketing success than that, which is what it’s vital all marketers understand.

To be successful, a piece of video marketing content needs a ‘roadmap’ outlining what it’s for and where it is going, enabling you to measure its success. The plan for a piece of marketing video does not have to be intricately detailed; it just needs to bring the goals of the company together. A solid plan is required; otherwise, the piece of content is less likely to make an impact or be as successful.

Here’s a guide to all the most vital video marketing strategies (and hacks) that marketing students must learn.

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Determining what a piece content will accomplish is vital

It’s vital that whether you are working on a piece of coursework for your MBA in marketing. Whether you are producing a piece of video content for a client, you take the time to focus on what the piece will accomplish. It’s all well and good having some fantastic ideas, but if they don’t lead towards a goal accomplished, they become pointless. As part of this process, you need to determine what type of content you will create – educational, informative, entertaining, practical, etc. The company’s audience requirements should determine this – use their target demographic information to help ensure you get the content relevancy spot. It’s also vital to understand the value that your video content creates – what does it offer viewers? If it has no value, there is no point creating it.

Outlining the function of video marketing is a must

When creating video content to implement as part of a brand’s marketing campaign, it’s vital that the function of the content is outlined. Start by looking at what the company will be using the content for, and then use that to aid the creative process of the content. For example, for a B2B company, video content can be used not only to market a product or service but also within the company to help support a range of different areas. Once you have determined what exactly a client needs their video content to provide, you can then brainstorm the options for creating the ideal content for them. Marketing isn’t just about advert-style content; it’s also about how-to videos, customer testimonials, and case studies. There’s a lot more to producing video content than meets the eye.

Ensure performance is effectively measured

In the same way that KPIs tracked for written content, it’s also vital to ensure that there is analytics available for each video produced, so that you can monitor its success. You can’t justify using a certain video marketing method regularly if you can’t show your customers how effective that method can be. You need to be able to determine who is watching your videos and for how long, as well as who is choosing to share them.

There you have it, vital lessons that all video marketing students must learn, should they aim to be successful in the future.

How Do You Know Your Video Marketing Strategy Is Working?

In the fast-paced and hugely competitive business arena of the 2010s, a content marketing strategy is more than just a novelty. It’s a necessity. But in an age where more and more users are engaging with digital content through their smartphones, users are becoming increasingly averse to long-form content. Like it or not, few users are likely to take the time to scroll through a blog post on the train ride to work. They want their content in a quick, accessible, and information-rich medium. That’s why more and more businesses are turning to vlog.

There’s no denying that Vlogging is an innovative, cost-effective, and downright fun way of engaging with potential leads. It’s great for virality, too, since 92& of mobile users regularly share video content they consume. However, as with any content marketing solution, it’s not enough to just be creating content, it’s how you utilize that content that will lead to the ultimate success or failure. As such, businesses need to adhere to these abiding principles if they’re to expect a worthy return on their investment.

Have a strategy

You may have some great ideas for video content, but how long will they see you through for? A few weeks, a month? Three months? For a video marketing strategy to be effective, it needs to carefully strategize for maximum effect, with clear and decisive actions at the inception phase and then three months, six months, and twelve months down the line. Many marketing savvy entrepreneurs feel that they can bear this burden themselves. Still, they often underestimate the breadth of the task at hand and dedicate precious time and resources that better utilized elsewhere. That’s why it’s usually prudent to outsource your content marketing to a third-party provider. 

As important as a strategy is, it’s equally important to be adaptive, which brings us too… 

Stay agile

Agile development is a software development strategy, designed to avoid the inherent problems caused by the normal ‘cascade’ or ‘waterfall’ model where testing occurs after the design phase. Agile testing involves development in short ‘sprints’ where testing is an integral part of the development process, and changes are made incrementally as the program developed. You can find more information on agile development here:

How does this relate to your content marketing strategy? Well, you’ll need to be agile in your approach, making strategic changes in light of consumer data as and when it becomes apparent which leads us to…

Know your metrics

It’s vital that you understand your metrics and the implications that they have on your content strategy. A lot more involved than simply measuring views. After all, a view simply means that someone has alighted on your content and is no indication of how strongly your content has resonated with its audience. Worthy metrics for measuring the success of your content include:

Play rate- How many people have actually clicked on your video and started watching it.

Engagement- How much of the video they have watched.

Social shares- How many people have shared the video on social media.

Click through rate- How many people have clicked through on your video’s call to action. 

Only by keeping a close eye on these metrics can you make the effective changes to your content marketing strategy that will contribute towards your ongoing growth and success.

Image Source : Flickr

What is Video Marketing – The Ultimate Guide

Marketing is important to the success of any product or service. The trend now is to include video in the marketing strategy. The video is more powerful than audio. It said that one picture is equal to thousands of letters, and one video is equal to ten thousand photos. The reason why all businesses irrespective of sizes and types are opting for video marketing.

Why Video Marketing

Video marketing is a very effective tool for marketing. Because of the effectiveness of videos, there is no greater way to reach target audience than video marketing. Compared to texts and images, publishing video is very useful for the brand.

Video Marketing Improves SEO Ranking

Video marketing can help with SEO. Videos are valued high by Google and other engines when giving ranks to the websites. Few guidelines need to be followed to boost search engine rankings with SEO.

• To increase SEO ranking pay attention to where the keywords are placed. Keywords should be used in the title, heading and description of the video.

• Choose the best video hosting site. YouTube is the popular choice for hosting the videos. There are also other paid sites such as Vimeo and these provide control over ownership.

• Explain about what the video is all about in the transcript which is the content portion of the video.

Ensure that the videos are not taking a long time to load. Page load time affects the user experience as well as SEO.

Video Marketing attracts More Visitors to the Website

One of the goals of any video marketing strategy is to attract an audience to the website. It is not easy to direct users to a website from videos.

If the videos are effective, the users might go to the website and utilise the services from the website. Allows the audience click the website link, the brands need to put the best effort.

Do not forget to give your website link under the video. At the same time do not avoid giving compelling reasons for the audience to visit the website.

Create the videos with the brand name only. If users cannot get your website link, then they might search for the brand name in Google.

Announce offers and signup bonus to get user attention. This helps in knowing how many people are visiting the website.

Traffic Drives Engagement and Purchases

Video marketing is the best way to communicate with the audience and increase the time they spend on the website.

It is possible to hold the attention of the consumers and increase their interest in the products or services. The purchasing journey can be made interesting by incorporating videos.

This works as a guide for the consumers to have a better experience in the purchasing journey.

Some consumers are visual learners and publishing different types of engaging content in the video will help to communicate effectively with them.

Provide the customers with interactive presence via digital video marketing and guide them to explore the offering and make purchase decisions.

Streamlining the purchase journey with videos helps increasing conversions and engagement.

Video Marketing is Medium to Connect with your audience

Marketing through video is not easy. Unless the content in the video is powerful enough, marketing of the video is difficult.

The audience should connect to the concept of the video, then only the videos will become viral. Storyboarding and video script are the most important things.

Must spend more money and time on story boarding and script in the video makingprocess. Video marketing is a great tool to engage the customers and to get reorganization and building the brand.

The video will continue to grow and be a part of successful marketing strategy. Use video for the marketing power it gives to your brand and also to increase importance to SEO of the website.

New Video Marketing Tricks For Old Business Dogs

There are ways to use video in your business for marketing purposes that you may not have thought. You are probably using video marketing purely for advertising purposes for an online audience. But it can be so much more than that, and here are some interesting and exciting ways that video promotion used as part of your business model. Here are the Video Marketing Tricks that help in building the brand.

Appealing To Local Customers

We often mistakenly believe that online marketing, including video content, is only useful for appealing to a broad international audience. Appealing To Local Customers isn’t true at all.

Video marketing can be a great way to connect to a local audience as well. You can make sure that local customers find your video content on sites like YouTube by using regional keywords or markets.

You might also want to ensure that the video content is based or linked to the local area. A great way to do this is to include real people from that area in your video ads. For instance, you could include clips of people on the street answering questions about your products or even trying it out. It is a great way to capture the attention of the local audience.

Improving Your Website

Websites can be rather dull and dreary places without the right design work. Even then, a website that isn’t visually immersive or interesting can quickly turn off customers. You can use a landing page with an embedded video to make things a little more interesting.

Using an embedded video, you can talk directly to customers. Or, you can show potential customers a taste of what your business has to offer beyond the landing page.

Alternatively, you can consider using the video to show a window inside your company and the people behind it. Marketing like this can be a great way to make sure that customers feel connected to your business.

Improving Your PR Strategy

PR is a way of keeping your business connected to the media and the general public. You can do this through a variety of different methods. However, PR has become more and more digitalized in recent years.

As such, it does make sense to use videos as part of your PR campaign. It’s a great way to gain the attention of the media and encourage them to take notice of your company.

You can learn more about PR strategies from sites like Or, you may want to think about content amplification. PR campaign is going to be a crucial part of any modern PR campaign, and video content can be a fantastic way to do this. Particularly, if you know how to strategize so that you get the largest possible audience.

Live Feeds

Finally, you can use video content and marketing to set up live feeds. Live streams have recently become very popular on Youtube for endless broadcasts of TV shows and the news. However, there’s no reason that businesses can’t use them for the same purposes.

Show off live events, introduce exciting announcements, and connect with your audience directly with marketing that they simply can not resist. You can learn how to set up a Youtube live stream on

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