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What is AI-powered Video Analytics & Intelligence using Computer Vision?

Video analytics has been the bedrock of security for years. It is used to spot anomalies in video footage, identify intruders, or track suspicious activity. The problem with traditional methods of video analytics is that human-generated rules and timelines for events limit them.

AI-powered Video Analytics & Intelligence using Computer Vision takes a different approach by using machine learning algorithms to detect patterns in data gathered from cameras and other sources, which can then predict future behaviors. This allows organizations to make better decisions faster regarding things like theft prevention, crowd control, or emergency response planning.

Video analytics is the process of capturing, analyzing, and extracting insights from video. AI-powered video analytics can analyze data in videos for signs of anomalies or other important events. The goal is to provide businesses with powerful tools that will help them better understand their operations and improve efficiency.

To do this, computer vision algorithms are trained on large datasets of labeled footage to identify patterns in an unsupervised way. This means that no matter what type of camera you use, the algorithm will detect meaningful information within your footage without any additional input from humans!

What is Video Intelligence?

Video Intelligence is the capability to extract value-adding information out of video footage automatically.

Video Intelligence analyses every pixel in the frame and applies proprietary algorithms to eliminate repetitive patterns like the sky, buildings, or moving cars. The algorithm finds individual objects or people. It also finds humans’ emotions based on facial expressions. It finds safe drivers by tracking eye movements; and finds valuable products (such as luggage carts at an airport) not noticed by humans because they are hidden behind other objects.

Video Intelligence is video analytics and search engine marketing service. Video Intelligence helps people and businesses to locate, manage and develop videos from creation to monetization  across platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and more.

Video Intelligence provides tools for online video marketers that include production management (planning & scheduling), content moderation (removing unwanted content or enhancing the publishing experience), campaign optimization (monitoring performance in real-time for insights), and development of dashboards showcasing essential metrics.

What is AI-Powered Video Analytics & Intelligence?

AI-Powered Video Analytics & Intelligence is the automated analysis of video feeds to detect anomalous behavior, providing real-time, actionable intelligence to security managers.

The AI-Powered Video Analytics & Intelligence stack is a collection of software modules designed to enable the development of an AI-powered video intelligence application. It combines machine learning to analyze insights from continuous surveillance, motion detection, vehicle tracker, and people tracker capabilities.

AI-powered video analytics and intelligence can use artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze, detect, screen, and identify an event in live streaming video to take fast actions in milliseconds. Artificial intelligence or machine learning algorithms can be applied to object detection, facial recognition, sentiment analysis, cognitive computing, and more to develop real-time insights.

The key is that AI-powered video analytic systems can screen incoming live footage before it hits storage so that security personnel can act on more significant events without having hours or so of unneeded storage space cluttering up their system.

The AI-Powered Video Analytics & Intelligence Module includes best practices and standards for video management, such as setting up a video surveillance workflow, organizing the gathered data to ensure it’s not mislabeled and becomes unusable. It also provides principles of using analytic tools to detect anomalies in areas ranging from crowd movement to outdoor lighting changes that may indicate a crime or emergency.

It could also mean that an Intelligent Systems Engineer is using their knowledge of Artificial Intelligence Programming (AI) in order to program systems that can analyze surveillance videos and detect unusual human movements, such as an individual installing malware on an ATM or other system.

This module would allow one person at a time to monitor potentially thousands of cameras without suffering from information overload.

Video analytics technology has now become more powerful than ever with AI-powered algorithms. This means that our security solutions can now identify objects and people across complex scenes, controllable video sources, pixelated sources due to aging surveillance footage, monochrome or infra-red imagery captured by night-vision cameras.

Video analytics takes streaming videos as input and models the behavior of the objects filmed in each successive image to infer properties about them. The behaviour modelling is often supervised by humans who label training data for what they believe are important factors influencing activity inferred from the video. Unsupervised learning techniques like clustering (using unsupervised machine learning) can also be used to detect patterns for assessing risk or ranking importance among several events detected.

AI-based Video Analytics Benefits

  • AI-based video analytics is a cost-effective way to increase security
  • It can be used to monitor the inside and outside of your building, as well as parking lots
  • You can control who has access to specific areas through facial recognition technology
  • Video analytics also helps you learn more about how people are using your facility, which can help with customer service
  • Reduces the need for human supervision
  • Detects unusual behavior in real-time to prevent cybercrime
  • Analyzes video data and provides insights into security threats
  • Identifies patterns of criminal activity across an entire city or region
  • Understand customer sentiment
  • Identify the most popular content on your website, social media channels, and email campaigns
  • Track how customers interact with various videos
  • Improve conversion rates by tailoring marketing messages to specific demographics
  • Reduced fraud and counterfeit goods
  • Improved customer service
  • More efficient business operations
  • AI-based video analytics can identify and alert you to any suspicious activity
  • It can provide insights into customer sentiment, such as when customers are happy or angry
  • It can detect patterns in your store’s traffic flow, such as where the most shoppers enter and exit
  • AI-based Video Analytics can protect your business from fraud and theft
  • It can help you find out who is viewing your videos
  • It can track customer sentiment over time – if someone’s mood changes after watching a video, it could mean they’re unhappy with the product or service
  • AI-based Video Analytics can help you identify patterns of behavior and predict future events
  • It has the potential to save lives by detecting threats before they happen
  • You’ll be able to monitor your store 24/7, even when you’re at home or on vacation
  • AI can detect anomalies in video data, like objects moving unexpectedly
  • It can also identify people’s faces and read their emotions to predict how they will act or react
  • This technology is used by law enforcement agencies to monitor security footage for potential threats
  • AI-based video analytics can provide a clear overview of what is happening on your premises
  • Artificial intelligence can help you identify and locate intruders as well as potential thieves
  • AI-based video analytics also can detect if someone is carrying out an attack or an act of vandalism against your property, such as graffiti or arson
  • AI-based video analytics can also monitor for issues with security systems and determine when surveillance cameras need replacing
  • Video analytics can be used to identify the most popular content on your site
  • It can help you manage and better understand what people are watching, where they drop off in a video, and how often they return to watch more videos
  • Analytics can also provide insights into customer behaviors by identifying repeat visitors, abandoned carts, or purchase preferences.

AI-based Video Analytics Challenges

  • Analyzing video content to identify what is happening in the shot
  • Identifying who is speaking in a video and when they are talking
  • Detecting objects within videos, such as cars or people on the street
  • Video analytics is a technology that can be used to monitor and analyze video data
  • The challenges of AI-based video analytics are finding the suitable algorithms to use, developing models that work for different types of videos, and designing systems that do not require too much human intervention
  • This article discusses the current state of the field, as well as prospects
  • AI-based video analytics can be used in a variety of fields, such as law enforcement and medical diagnosis
  • One challenge for this technology is the difficulty of understanding what is happening in a video when it’s not clear if there’s an emergency or crime taking place
  • Another challenge with this type of software is that both the object being filmed and the person filming has to remain still to avoid blurring
  • The need for video analytics is growing exponentially
  • Video analytics solutions are becoming more intelligent and sophisticated, but the complexity of these technologies can be a challenge to implement at scale
  • “AI-based Video Analytics Challenges” will explore how AI-based video analytics helps businesses improve engagement with their customers.
  • The video analytics market is projected to grow at a CAGR of over 20% by 2022, with the total value expected to reach $21 billion in 2022
  • As an industry, it has been estimated that 80% of all surveillance cameras will be connected and monitored via artificial intelligence (AI) software by 2020
  • Video content analysis is a growing field with many challenges
  • The size of video data increases exponentially, which leads to increased complexity in the analytics pipeline
  • Many different types of videos need to be analyzed for different purposes- sports, news, educational videos, etc.
  • It’s important to understand the difference between supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms.


AI-powered video analytics and intelligence is a powerful way to leverage the power of computer vision for your business. It’s how businesses can understand their customers, improve customer experience, find valuable insights that lead to more sales, and stay ahead of competitors. Contact us today if you want help with this process or need guidance on applying these principles to your own business goals! We provide both digital marketing services and an expert team of consultants who specialize in helping companies integrate AI into their operations.

Suppose you’ve ever considered the possibility of an AI-powered Video Analytics & Intelligence solution for your business but haven’t taken any action yet because it sounds too complicated or expensive. In that case, we want to talk to you. We can help you understand what this technology is and how it could benefit your organization in ways that are easy to manage. Contact us today if AI-powered Video Analytics & Intelligence would be a good fit for your company!

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