Connected TV

Connected TV Advertising: Significance of CTV in Video Advertising

Connected TV is taking the video advertising world by storm. Connected TV offered more in-depth targeting and coupled with data provides much faster as never experienced before within premium television. Connected TV ads can be used for video campaigns specially designed for retargeting the audience at a closer point of view and increase brand awareness for those who have made contact with your brand through various streaming channels and OTT Platforms.

Significance of CTV in Video Advertising

  • CTV represents the future of video advertising
  • Advertisers will shift budgets from digital video to CTV
  • Plan content for playing on the go
  • Targeting individual households is crucial
  • The impact of location-based targeting
  • Close to 40% of adults watch video content on their television via online subscription services.
  • American households are adopting CTV at a high rate
  • CTV is all about scale and speed
  • Advertisers are increasing budgets towards TV advertising
  • Some TV segments will reach new heights
  • CTV is a direct response advertising medium
  • CTV ad revenue has grown by 141%
  • Best time to spot for CTV campaign is 7 pm and 8 pm
  • Television is the most effective, expensive, and a powerful media channel
  • Commercials will be watched by the customer if they like to watch TV
  • Higher purchasing is done by people watching the commercials
  • Brand recall increases with CTV advertising
  • CTV ads should be longer for better results
  • Commercial on TV will not be missed by the customer
  • TV buys are simple and straightforward
  • No need to worry about creative assets
  • CTV will help your brand cut through the clutter
  • It produces ample return on investment
  • Generate new revenue stream
  • Achieve higher ROI
  • Attract millennial customers
  • Track and analyze CTV campaign results
  • Captures viewers in the living rooms
  • Helps deliver brand messages
  • Makes marketing cost-effective
  • Removes middlemen costs
  • Makes ads personal

Connected TVs are the future

  • It’s a new channel to advertise on
  • You can give your message to your customers without having to wait for them online
  • It’s the right time to be in the market because no one is doing anything about it

Wondering what the one thing you need to know about Connected TV Advertising is?

  • Connected TV was something that happened years ago
  • People don’t watch their TVs like they used to
  • Interconnect everything
  • Post-smartphone advertising is successful and more responsive

The Second Screen is Watching

  • When people watch TV, they’re engaged
  • When they like a show, they consume more content about it
  • When they want more information, they search Google
  • Connected TV Advertising is the future of data-driven TV ads

TV’s future is online

  • TV and internet advertising merging
  • You’ll soon spend $58 billion on Connected TV ads
  • Your ad will follow the consumer across devices
  • The social layer is here already

These 5 stats show why you should get on this opportunity

  1. There will be 11 Billion connected TV’s in 2021
  2. Connected TV ad spending is going to skyrocket
  3. You have an opportunity to get in now
  4. CTV advertising has proven capabilities to business growth
  5. CTV ads are more effective than mobile ads

Connected TV Advertising is the future of advertising

  • 56% of respondents want to see the same ads on connected TVs as they do online.
  • $5.49 is the cost per connected TV ad
  • $.2 CPMs are affordable for direct response advertisers

You’ve heard of Connected TV, but you’re not making money from it

  • You need to know your customer’s age
  • Use dynamic creative to reach your customers
  • Use the right influencer ad platform
  • Be patient; Connected TV is worth it

You SHOULD be advertising with Connected TV now

  • Displays have no real use-case
  • Connected TV is more accessible and easier to work with
  • (Now is the time to) Get a head start on your competitors
  • Google has just released a FREE version of their connected TV app
  • Apple TV can reach 94%

How TV and social are connected

  • Connected TVs are the fastest growing technological device
  • Users spend over three hours on CTVs daily
  • CTVs allow for hyper-targeting of demographics
  • Connected TV Ad spend expected to rise 150% by 2020
  • Facebook and Youtube have an advantage in the CTV game

Significance of CTV Advertising

CTV offers real-time analytics

Rise of sports-related streaming content

The more precise way of audience targeting

Potential your audience by targeting

Invest less get more result

Retargeting results in more sales

Work on CTV ads with Affordable prise

Target your niche audience

Budget-friendly advertising opportunities

Premium subscribers lead a responsive audience.

Go for Holistic Campaigns

It enhances the Brands.

Premium publishers and inventory methods

Builds a strong relation between brands and consumers

Video ad optimization and monetization are possible.

Find the right audience and at the right time.

Premium streaming media increase brand awareness.

Stretch your Ads by Dollars the Furthest

Get access to a premium audience

Results higher completion rates with real-time analytics

Offers target advertising experience

Go for Premium ad quality and creating content.

Get insights into digital data TV campaigns.

Higher completion rates and real-time metric

Get higher returns with low investments.

The younger generation and mature audience watch CTV.

Provides the audience Accommodation

Leverage the low impression cost

Generation Z and Millennial prefer CTV

Improved viewability by quality

Potential audience-based targeting

Variety types of ad Formats

Digital Audio Ads are hidden gems of CTV.

Over the past few years, streaming media services have exploded, Television viewing habits continued to change in the digital world. Over -the-Top platforms and Connected TV broadcasters are jumping into Connected TV video advertising. CTV has become a popular alternative to traditional pay-TV media. Connected TV offers new advertising platforms where they can display their ads. These ads provide a short form of skippable ads by creating target-based advertising campaigns. Let us have an in-depth view of CTV Advertising benefits.

CTV Advertising Benefits

CTV ads offer Brand safety

Leads to increased Audience reach

Low impression cost

Generation Z and Millennials prefer connected TV.

Create your ads from the scratch

Target-based Advertising

Reach huge following


Assess from any device

Over 98% completion rate

Targeted advertising is a little bit expensive than usual.

CTV has a unique fan following

For potential engagement, use audience-based targeting.

More advertising opportunities

Reach relevant audience at the right time

Digital audio ads are vital points.

Generates everlasting relationship

Sport-related content is trending on CTV.

People satisfied with CTV ads

CTV has a more mature audience following

It offers precise audience targeting.

Provides impressive ad recalls

Get a broad audience reach.

Provide improved visibility

Can watch Real-time metrics

Addressable geo-targeting is a success for enterprises.

People like to watch programmatic TV ads.

Multi-device accessibility

Offers various ad formats

Precise measurability is possible.

Good for exceptional targeting

Digital media analysis

Programmatic tv development

Optimize your ads for Mobile viewing

More campaign development possibilities

Programmatic tv and CTV are the leading streaming platforms.

Premium subscribers best for responsive audience

Go for premium inventory and publishers.

Lights and cameras are key to digital video ads.

Target based on consumer behavior

Budget-Friendly advertising

CTV offers higher returns

Access the premium audience via CTV

Expended advertising over Dollar’s

Create quality ads copies with the premium option

Offers Higher completion rates


Connected TV introducing rapidly emerging new ad features to the advertisers with the new experiences. CTV is an innovative way to reach a unique audience by targeting with variety of ad formats. We have compiled a clear guide to know the significance of Connected TV advertising and why it has become the future of video advertising.

Connected Tv advertising lies between the brands and consumers to increase their reach in a non-intrusive manner. CTV offers high-quality advertising with an extended audience reach with the help of dynamic ad insertion capabilities. Here we presented a guide ultimate benefits of CTV advertising as it is the future of video advertising.

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