Tried Email marketing?? If you would like to get Email Video Marketing. Then You must check the below guide follow the guide.
Want to know about video in email marketing campaigns?.
Let us know about the video in the mail and how to get most out of it!!
Here we go!!!
Email Video Marketing
Email marketing was continued to play a crucial role in online marketing ecosystem since form years. Though it is traditional marketing practices, still it has its own importance over other marketing practices.
Email marketing was changing according to the present trends in modern marketing ecosystem.
At present marketers are following the email marketing campaigns to initiate the new possibilities and reach. Video was begun to include in the email campaigns and it becomes more effective than anything.
Video in emails
Yes, this is the present booming trend in email marketing. Video had occupied a vital space in every mind.
Including video content in emails make the campaign more effective as video rules everywhere.
Advantages of Video email marketing
The main advantage of the video marketing is to get connected with the viewers and boost the engagement levels.
Connect with ease
Video in email marketing draws quick attention from the subscribers.
The video in email can impact more on viewers.
Saves time
Email marketing with video also saves valuable time for marketers’ well as viewers. Video can convey the complex subject matter in a simple way to the audience.
Email video marketing is a powerful tool where they can easily go viral by delivering the messages. According to the survey reports, it was revealed that video in email marketing was generating 89 percent more engagement levels comparing to another form of marketing.
Improves ranking
The main benefit of video in email campaigns is improving the Google search ranking. We all know that video will get good ranking in search results comparing to other forms of media in marketing.
Well, let’s get started for Email campaign with video.
Best practices for Email Video Marketing
Email campaigning requires clear strategy to implement your objective and to reach your goal. You have to follow the things in a right way in order fulfill your marketing requirements and goals.
Your campaign requires good planning flowchart. It is very important to setup clear objectives and specific marketing strategies for your campaign.
Do research on your competitors and identify the competitors. Also, prepare a list of things you need to implement step by step.
Create great video content
Your video content must be of good quality and you must convey your message exactly without boring the audience.
Make it short
Short videos are the best way to gain good engagement levels comparing to the long form video content. The image and video output quality must be good to get a good response and leads.
Share your videos
Share your video content across YouTube and Vimeo platforms to increase the impact of the video content. It helps you to drive more traffic towards your content.
Test your content
Test your content reach and engagement before using it in email marketing campaigns. Take suggestions and amend them in your video to make more effective.
Tips for Email Video Marketing
Create a video series
If you have no choice to make your long form video into short form videos, try a video series by segregating your video into two different parts.
Use the word ’Video’ in subject line
Video in subject line always matters for rankings and visibility.
Call to actions plays a vital role for your business promotion. So try best CTA to encourage the viewers to take action after opening your email.
Keep your call to actions more clear and engaging for your audience.
Place some social media buttons and also include a contact form at the end. follow up your viewers and gather the information.
Don’t go for Autoplay
Try not to go for Autoplay video which plays right away without clicking on it. Prefer single tap play instead of the double tap which is more advantageous to the mobile users.
Testimonial videos
Testimonial videos can build up your customer base as the majority of people like to make a decision after watching relevant testimonials about the product or service they want to buy online.
Follow all these above tips and best practices to make your email video campaign successful and get good leads.
The Ultimate Guide to Email Video Marketing
Video is a marketing medium that communicates effectively and quickly with the consumers. Conversion increasing is possible when the video included in email marketing. Video also helps in educating consumers to increase brand awareness. When the video is used in email marketing the benefits that marketers can get is more clicks through rates, sharing and forwarding the message and so on.
Email Video Marketing
Email marketing is one of the powerful tool in digital marketing. Before you decide to start an email video campaign, first set your objective. For any digital marketing campaign, there are some objectives such as generating leads or creating awareness.
After identifying the goal of the marketing campaign, create marketing strategies. Identify the target audience and then figure out the competitors. Create good quality videos with quality equipment. Take care that the videos are not as long as the audience does not like to watch lengthy videos. The ideal length of the videos should not exceed a couple of minutes.
Use online video hosting platforms such as YouTube to host the videos. This helps to make the videos shareable and easily visible. Include the call to action in the videos that sent in email marketing. This will encourage the audience to take action after watching the video.
The video should quickly and deliver the message. Place social buttons at the end of the video. Create a sense of urgency by using words such as Hurry Up, Limited offer, etc. Collect contact information for the viewers and follow them up. Do not let the videos autoplay as this can irritate some consumers.
Email Video Marketing Platforms
MailChimp helps in adding videos screenshots to email marketing. The screenshot link to the video that is hosted on YouTube or other video hosting sites. Visit the official website to check how to embed videos in email marketing using MailChimp.
VMatrix is another email video marketing platform that provides video email services and not only this, it also helps in the production process. Video email marketing can be done with BombBomb service also. These offer to host and send the emails.
The marketer who used the service can avoid technical difficulties. TailoredMail is another service available online for email video marketing. Videos can be uploaded, encoded, and embedded into the email marketing campaign for sending immediately. The viewing behavior of the individual consumer is tracked by the service.
Wistia is another email video marketing platform that covers video embedding, using animated GIFs in email marketing, and helps to build an audience by including video in email marketing. The marketers can download free email templates to get started immediately.
Pros and Cons of Email Video Marketing
Email marketing is one of the traditional marketing methods, and when a video included in the email, this stands out from other communication methods.
Videos have become crucial for all digital marketing plans as these draw attention and increases subscriptions. Email video marketing will leave a great impact on viewers. Email video marketing is time-saving and easily penetrating.
There are some disadvantages with email video marketing. Sometimes the email may be marked spam by the target audience, and if the marketer keeps on sending emails frequently, they might decide to unsubscribe. The videos may not always reach the right audience.
Email video marketing campaigns are a great way to share the videos with the consumers. Videos need to be included in emails carefully to get effective results. Apart from sending the emails, it is also needed to track the response of the audience to measure the effectiveness of the videos.